Should I take 4 HL subjects for IB?

I will be starting the IB diploma program next year and am now finalising my subject choices. Here are my confirmed subjects -
HL Biology
HL Chemistry
HL Mandarin B(Chinese)
SL Math
SL English Language & Literature

Ok so the last subject I want to take is Geography and I’m not sure whether I should take it in HL or SL. I guess the underlying question is whether admissions in the US will notice if I take an extra HL subject and will it put me at an advantage?

Mandarin is my first language so Mandarin B in HL would be relatively easy for me to do well on. And geography is not that hard of an IB subject, I think. So is it worth it to take on an extra HL?

Any info or opinion would be much appreciated!

Will they notice? Of course. Will it put you at an advantage? No. Most schools limit students to 3 HL’s, so admissions will want to look at a level playing field.

Well, most schools only give credit for HL exams. That said, relatively few schools will give credit for Geography. Personally, I don’t think it’s worth it, but it’s your call.