<p>I just transfered in, and I'm also trying to transfer to McCombs next semester (I have so much doubt in myself). </p>
<p>Here are my classes:
M408K (Calculus 1)
UGS 303 (Freedom: Philosophy/Hist/Law)
E316K (Literature) or Eco 304K (Microeconomics) if I get off the waitlist
ANT 301 (Self-Paced) XD</p>
<p>I'm only worried about Calculus. I plan on getting a part time job, and I really want to make straight A's next semester. I plan on giving my soul for the whole next year so I can get into McCombs. Should I go for one more class so I don't get behind? Or should I just try to have an easier semester. If I add another class it will be Bio 301D or Ast 301 which I'm both on the waitlist for. They have great professors.</p>
<p>Do you have an AP credit? It will definitely be easier to take 12 hours but IDK if its worht getting behind, you may want to take Summer School and only do 12 hours each semester. Keep in mind you want to get a 3.8+ for a safe entrance into McCombs. You also need to take Cal1, Cal2, Micro and Macro economics. Your current schedule looks pretty easy, Cal will be challenging, your UGS and ANT will be easy A’s. Eco may be easy or difficult denpending on your teacher. Who do you have?</p>
<p>Right now I’m on the waitlist for Wiseman (wishing Hamermesh would open up), but I already have Macro credit so I can just take it with Hamermesh next semester when he’s open.</p>
<p>If you get into Wiseman I would take it. I had him, the class is easy and he is good at teaching and actually a really funny guy. He also has a policy that if you turn in all of the assignements on time no matter what your grade is in the class if you get an A on the final you get an A in the class which is nice. He does weekly quizzes that are a free 100 as well. what your number on the waitlist?</p>
<p>Hammermesh sucks as a professor no matter what people tell you. It’s better to take it in the Spring with Dr. Trejo (smaller class, MUCH better professor). Hammermesh is a goofball who can’t teach worth squat.</p>
<p>This is coming from an Econ major</p>
<p>I say…</p>
<p>if you’re going to work don’t take the extra class</p>
<p>I wouldnt take too many classes at once if I had a job.</p>
<p>mccombs isnt going to care if you took bio or not because its not related to that school at all. you will need to make an A in calc though.</p>
<p>Who are the best Calculus teachers for m408k and m408l?</p>
<p>ANT301 self paced isn’t an easy A. btw</p>
<p>@steamysoup Really? Have you taken it before? What’s it like? I just needed a science credit and Bio 301D with an easy A professor has me on the waitlist for it. If I get into that class, I’ll drop the ANT 301. Also Ast 301 with a really easy professor is also another option if I get off that waitlist, but I’m 37/40 so… yea…</p>
<p>@giopardo I called one of my friends today and he told me that Hamrick is a decent professor, but it really doesn’t matter which professor you take. The test are all the same in each class, and you will most likely be self studying for most of it. But Hamrick and Meth are both nice dudes I heard.</p>
Hey guys! I’m a little late to this question, but I’ll give my input for future readers and browsers.
I completed my entire A.A. in one year, but there is a formula to it; you can’t just randomly take classes. So this is a very possible schedule. Do 1 math class per semester, 1 science class w/ lab per semester, and everything else is easy (for me).
Now obviously that was my formula, but I stick to it because these math classes generally have much more homework than a Law or Humanities class; memorization is easier than application.