Should i take HL or SL English?

<p>The thing is i don't know if i should take HL english if i've never enjoyed the subject (i mean like EVER). Although i am really good at the subject and have a flair for writing according to my english teacher (got the gifted award for english last year at my school). </p>

<p>But whats making me consider it as a higher level subject is the fact that it would probably be more beneficial than taking a science HL (Biology) as i intend to major in finance/international relations/politics. </p>

<p>Do you think i should suffer through HL English lang/lit or should i take HL Biology and actually enjoy myself although it won't benefit me in the future? However, since i find psychology pretty interesting biology could possibly be useful if i change my mind. </p>

<p>My other subject are as follows (if your interested):</p>

<p>HL: Economics, Biology, Psychology
SL: Maths, Arabic B, English (?) </p>

<p>My IB English A HL class is basically literary criticism. Writing about writing, talking about writing, giving presentations about writing, etc. If you can read a work and really delve into the details of it, not just the action/plot but what the author’s doing to show his big ideas or even what those big ideas are, then you’d definitely do well in that class. My friend and I are polar opposites, but we both do really well: she can see the big ideas without an issue, but has to work hard to find the details that back up those claims, and I can see the details, but can’t put it together in a big idea. Whatever you’re weak in, your teacher surely will be happy to give you tips.</p>

<p>The biggest thing to remember to do well is ANNOTATE ANNOTATE ANNOTATE! When you’re reading, annotate it once. When you’re discussing it, add more to your annotations. When you’re reviewing for an assessment, add even more. You’re most likely never done annotating, you’ll definitely see something new when you look back, and the more you have on a work, the better equipped you are to answer any question that your teacher/ the IBO can throw at you.</p>

<p>@SusieAnne The thing is that i won’t be doing HL Literature (which is what your taking) so a lot of what you said won’t apply to me. But thanks for the tips anyways. </p>

<p>I would say take HL English. Our school has a 100% pass rate and generally a couple sevens each year. We aren’t some crazy prep school either, so from what I understand it isn’t too difficult. I’m only a junior so I haven’t taken the exam or anything, but I know many people who have and said it was easy.</p>

<p>In terms across all subjects, the gap between HL and SL for English A Literature is rather narrow…I would say take it :)</p>

<p>@MadSpaceCow and @ivyleaguefan Thanks for the advice, but since i decided i’d rather go into the sciences after talking to my teachers. I decided to go with HL Biology, chemistry and economics. </p>

<p>If you’re talking about HL English Lit, it’s an easy subject to do well in (5 or 6). The catch is, getting a 7 is notoriously hard, and only about 1~4% of students get the top level in HL. SL Lit isn’t much easier. However, I would strongly recommend taking HL Eng Lit because it can often get you out of a first year English course in college.</p>