Should I take next semester off from college or see how I feel at the end before making a decision?

Ok, you’re listening and thinking. Good.

So a suggestion. Lots of students live off campus. Your family is 40 minutes from your school, I think you said. Can you look for an apartment half way between school and home. This would allow your friends come over, give you a sense of normalcy, still have you live and be independent. You also would be closer to school for projects etc.

Maybe it would be better for you to continue next semester but stay in your dorm 3 nights a week and when you don’t have classes live at home. Sounds like you are 3 semesters away from graduating which will pass quicker than you think. If you are able to work thru this I would think you may be happier with the outcome vs. returning for a 5th year.

@Knowsstuff I can try.

A few random thoughts: You say you have a good group of friends but also mention only two friends. You say that your room has no furniture and feels like a prison. I’m not picking on you…I think if you stay, you have to commit to staying and maybe treat your dorm room like your home…decorate, have friends over, make it a happy place to be! Bring stuff from your room at home! I think that students who live close to their college and go home sometimes dont’ really immerse at college, and with two friends and a barebones dorm room, maybe that’s what’s happening here. If you decide to stay, also decide to commit…seek out more friends, more social opportunities. Don’t use the closeness of home as a crutch to not build a life for yourself at school I know being in the sophomore dorm may be annoying but I also bet there are some more mature kids there who could be possibilities for friends or at least an evening hang out once in a while. When you say you are jealous of those who don’t “go to classes all day and don’t have to go back and forth from school,”, who is that? Kids at home who aren’t going to college? What are they doing, working full time or part time? ALso, Winter break is 4 weeks. Spring semester is 2 weeks in Jan, 4 in Feb, 3 in Mar and 5 in April-finals. So that’s 14 weeks. Just to put it in perspective…that winter break is long, and when you go back, February and April are your only full months of school, and by April you are almost done. Spring semester is only 3.5 as long as winter break.