should i take the sAT, SAT2, and AP TEsts

<p>I thought i could get some helpful advice in this forum. So instead of posting in SAT forum, i have posted here. Sorry, but i would appreciate any helpful advices.</p>

<p>i just deleted the long paragraph. Since you would not have time to read about a high schooler doubting about his chances on sats, i'll get right into the point.</p>

<p>1) i get 2050-2150 on practice tests. but i aim for 2250+ for the first test.
i signed up for april test. but i feel i'm not ready. should i just cancel it and take it in june. so two choices: a)take 2 in junior year, one possibly being off of my expectation, and 1 on senior year. b) 1 on june junior year, and 1 on senior year?</p>

<p>2) i got greedy so i signed up for 2 self study aps. physics and eco. along with the 2 ap courses i'm taking right now.
But scoring 4,5 on two self study APs worth the time i will put into it.? would it just be better for me to rather study for SAT and put more time into ECs?
i have yet not learned any from these subjects. so i have a month left to self study all of these except some from physics. --</p>

<p>3) again out of my impulse, i signed up for SAT2; chem, math, and physics. math no worry. chem take ap class. physic take reg class now.
hwen i solved the practice questions for the latter two, i could not do any. memorizing boring concepts are not my expert.
so should i put in my time in addition to 2 self study aps which is most important, to study for SAT2. </p>

<p>would it be too late to take SAT 2 in my senior year since i will only have one chance before the ED???????????????</p>

<p>oh my god, this was long. i'm truly sorry if this was one of the useless questions youve seen. but these worried me for some time now.</p>


<p>Take the SAT in April. The sooner you get it over with, the sooner you can focus on your other tests, and taking in April will allow you more opportunities to retake, if necessary. As for SAT2s, you should take those as soon as possible after taking the class (take in June).</p>

<p>Now the APs. You need to do some research to determine if they are really worth it. AP scores are generally not considered in admissions. Many colleges are pretty restrictive about how much credit they will actually give for AP credit. If you have not started studying for the self-study APs, my inclination would be to tell you to not bother with them, especially since neither is known as an "easy" AP.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Take SAT II's ASAP, because you can only take so many at one time, so you need to get them in by October test dates. As to AP tests, that's your call. Some schools accept them, some don't - some limit the hours given. Check with your chosen schools. It seems to me that you may be taking on too much and are stressing too much. This much stress can affect your test scores, so do what you feel comfortable doing. Doing less and doing it better seems to me to be better than doing more and not doing very well. Self-study AP is an incredible amount of work, and not much time left. I would focus on the AP where I took the class, and then the SAT and one SATII. You can retake the SAT again, and have the summer to prepare. Good luck!</p>