should i take the SAT?

<p>i know for a fact that i want to go to a school in illinois for family reasons. so in that case should i even bother taking the SAT, when the ACT is given here? I think i would do much better if i only had to focus on the one test. but of course taking the SAT would be a back up plan. i've asked this question to many people and i need your guys advice, it always seems the most helpful.</p>

<p>come on guys</p>

<p>Since the ACT is mandatory in Illinois (or so I've heard), I would at least at first, stick with that test. Prep for it and see how you do. If it comes to a point that you have practice and prepped and have not been able to get the ACT score you want, then I would give the SAT a shot. I've never taken the ACT, but I would assume that it's not too difficult to switch mentally from one test format to the other.</p>

<p>Do the colleges that you're considering require SAT II's? That's another set of tests you may have to take - some colleges will substitute the ACT for the SAT I and SAT II's while others require SAT II's along with the ACT.</p>

<p>I've only begun to do research on schools. I'm considering: </p>

<p>University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
University of Chicago,
Illinois State
Northwestern as a reach </p>

<p>Northwestern would be the only on requiring SAT II's especially for HPME. I don't know about the others, they make a point of not giving clear answers. Does anybody know if they like SATs?</p>

<p>If those colleges prefer the ACT, I really wouldn't take the SAT. I have practiced the ACT, and I found it muc more direct and easy than the SAT. </p>

<p>BTW, what does HPME stand for?</p>

<p>it stands for the Honors Program in Medical Education</p>

<p>Thanks. I think I will stick with the ACT for now. Besides I don't think I have much of a chance for Northwestern's HPME, so there's no point wasting my time with SATII's.</p>

<p>take a practice test for each to see how you do....some kids just do much better on one vs. the other.</p>