<p>Recently, I was diagnosed with Pure Obsessional OCD, after an intense flair up. It's never really affected my ability to live a normal life but it has caused my grade in an elective (that is not counted in my core GPA) to be an incomplete. This is because my teacher thought I didn't put enough work into it when, really, I had many personal issues that made it hard for me to concentrate on my core academic classes and this particular class. My mom is calling my guidance counselor tomorrow to see what we can do, but is this something I should tell schools? I don't really want them to think I'm crazy and that having an anxiety disorder will hold back my progress in their schools. But on the other hand, I've taken this class for four years and have never before gotten anything lower than an A and feel the need to explain. I'm just REALLY conflicted right now. Should I tell them or not?</p>
<p>No i don’t think you have to mention that to them.
althoughh, i did mention in my personal statement my illness condition & explained what it did to my grades .</p>
i like you have ocd. (as well as several other mental “disorders”)
my family, college counselour and I have done extensive research on this…and as sad as it is, colleges will hold it against you. their concern is mainly liability. people with mental conditions are at a higher to commit suicide or do a school shooting, and those types of things becuase they are supposedly unstable. also, there is still in general, a great deal of prejudice against people with conditions like ours.
i have great empathy for you as I know what you are dealing with and wish you the best of luck in your college process.<br>
p.s. feel free to PM me if you want more info on this or just want someone to talk to in general.</p>
<p>p.s.s. fyi im not brand new to cc, i just made another account because a lot of people know who i am but dont know about some of my problems</p>