should I use my hispanic ethnicity?

<p>I am 1/8th Mexican and half German. Live in California and will apply to some schools back east as well as some schools here in California.... I don't really feel "hispanic", so I feel like my motive is not genuine. Just wondering if it could hurt me? I don't have to claim it. Any insight guys?</p>

<p>honestly, it may help. but if you really don’t feel hispanic, or dont feel truthful then don’t do it.</p>

<p>I am one of those students, where my parents make okay money and don’t qualify for anything. I get okay grades and low average SAT and ACT scores… So I just want to get in to my school choices and go from there. Trying to look for an angle. But I like your answer. Thanks. Has anyone else out there had or heard of something similar?</p>

<p>Isn’t there a certain amount of a certain ethnicity to qualify for certain ethnic scholarships/programs? (I used certain a lot.)</p>

<p>I think if you meet that amount, then it would be fair game to use it, but it’s up to you.</p>

<p>Yeah if you don’t identify with being Hispanic when you’re around your friends or in general, for that matter, then don’t do it.</p>

<p>dont you have to be a quarter something to use it?</p>

<p>In California at least, in many schools you might not be so “under represented”. It might depend on where your applying, and how you will bring “diversity” to that setting.For example maybe you have been involved in some activity you would continue.</p>

<p>In order to qualify for the collegeboard’s Hispanic Scholar distinction, you have to be at least one quarter hispanic (at least one grandparent has to be Hispanic). So I think it should be something similar for college admissions… Honestly, 1/8 is pushing it. If you don’t do anything related to your Hispanic heritage, then I would not put it down. If you did put it down, colleges might see you as somewhat dishonest.</p>

<p>so 1 of your grandparents is hispanic? 1/8 is a REALLY small amount and it seems like that’s really pushing it. you said that you don’t feel hispanic so your probably not reallyy into the culture or anything</p>

<p>You wouldn’t qualify for the hispanic scholars, so I don’t think you should use it, but that decision is dependent on your own personal morals. </p>

<p>plus as hghschoolgrl pointed out, you’re from cali so im not really sure that it’d be very helpful</p>

<p>There is a great thread called “Hispanic/Latino defined,” which provides some of the governmental definitions, etc. but also a lot of discussion by people who have been down this road. One of the points in that thread is…how did you or your family identify you in the recent US Census? (A shout out to people who post on the Hispanic Students section.)</p>

<p>For me, the questions comes down to this: how do you identify? Have you ever or would you call yourself Hispanic/Latino?</p>

<p>One of the great possibilities is that in college some people will be exposed to questions about what it means to be Hispanic/Latino and even study Latino literature, history, etc. (maybe this has come up in high schools).</p>