<p>I am currently taking German 2, and i finished my 2 year of foreign language, but i am not sure if i want to take German 3.. Now a days, this class is getting boring, really boring..
if i take german 3, then in my senior year i will take AP German.. </p>
<p>So should i take German 3 for college or should i not take it and choose another class? Any advice?</p>
<p>My second year of my language wasn't much fun either. Year 1 was fun and year 3 was fun, year 2 was a lot of grammar. Was year 1 fun for you? There's a decent chance that year 3 may be a bit better.</p>
<p>I'd probably continue on, in your situation. Unless you absolutely hate it, there's no reason not to (another language may end up being just as boring) 3-4 years of a single language will also be more helpful in a college viewpoint...</p>
Should I take a class that I think is boring?
<p>I'll say yes, only b/c you'll have to get used to it. I'm sure that there will be required classes in college (core or for you major) that you may think are boring. So, you might as well get used to it now.</p>
I'm sure that there will be required classes in college (core or for you major) that you may think are boring. So, you might as well get used to it now.
Haha, I think that's a horrible reason to take it! You don't need training to be bored. ;)</p>
<p>I agree with freznow. First and third year languages are usually more fun, and I would personally stick it out if I were you. Then if it's still boring, don't take the fourth year.</p>
<p>seems to be a trend. my second year was BORING and almost everyone in the class slept all the time. i dont think we even learned anything. My third year has been the best so far.</p>
<p>take the class if your college or course requirements ask for it. if you dont want to be in it all year, take it in the summer</p>