Should son switch to ED2 (or even RD) from ED1 before decision day, and can he?

Same. I agree about not punishing future applicants. That’s unfair. The schools want you to think it’s an issue more than it is. Do some Ivies share lists? Maybe. Any other schools. No chance. That being said, we would still not reneg. Trying to get the application status changed, if possible, but I cannot get through. Kids causing last minute stress for parents is not a new concept though, at least not for me!

I really don’t think you should be calling, can your S try before school, or on his lunchbreak? Or while driving to school/work, etc.?

Has your S at least sent an email to his AO? Meet the Board of Admissions | Admissions


So, since he does not yet have the FSU acceptance, but it may be his number 1 choice, why not move him to BU RD rather than BU ED2? It would keep both options open.

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I would have your son e-mail when he gets home from school. The good thing about email is that it is dated and in writing. You know you sent it and when. After he sends it, I would consider it done.


Yes, ED is like a third rail here on CC. There’s a lot of stress about it from those who commit to it and worry that not everyone else who does honors it, and from people who can’t make the ED commitment due to financial reasons but are not happy about missing out on the boost.

Thanks for patiently explaining your family’s situation. I hope you are assured by the answers you got that one son’s switch to ED2 or RD is unlikely cause problems for the other, especially now that we understand the aid packages for each will be based on different income/asset info.

I don’t know if BU will make the change without your son communicating it. I might suggest having him send an email. The email will provide a timed and dated record of his intention and might get through when a phone call cannot. More importantly, the email will serve as written proof that the effort to call off ED1 was made prior to decisions coming out.

Good luck!


Your S (not you) should be calling the school.
He should also send an email to his BU admissions officer ASAP.


I think you and I were having the same thought at the same time. I pressed Reply much later though!

thank you!

Already explained son could not call due to school and straight to work. I was on the phone getting a busy signal all day he couldn’t do that. I could.

He can, and should, send an email to his admission officer from his phone ASAP.


I have been following this thread and you are obviously trying to navigate a challenging situation in an ethical and responsible manner. You seem like a very good parent!

Please make sure that your son understands that as a result of his late change of heart he is potentially adversely impacting another student if he were to have been accepted. It is likely too late for BU to add a student for early admittance. That theoretical student will likely be deferred Vs having gotten an acceptance. Obviously no harm no foul if he were to have been rejected. You will never know however.

I say this only as a learning opportunity for a family that seems to really care about doing the right thing. I don’t in anyway judge or question the decision just think it important that a 17 year old start to realize that decisions have consequences beyond themselves.

Once again no judgement and wishing your entire family a happy and satisfying set of outcomes.


I finally got through at 4:55 pm and was able to 3 way call my son in on the conversation while he’s at work (works until 9 pm) with the admissions office. We were told it was not too late to switch to ED2 and plenty of kids are doing it now all day. Every day. My son is finally a bit calmer because of all the stress this has caused for the entire family. I’m a bit calmer. And now you all can calm down as well :joy:.
If he gets into FSU on Thursday he will go there and withdraw his ED2 application to BU. If not, and he gets into BU, he will happily go there. Other twin will hear from BU and FSU on Thursday as well, but BU is still her first choice. Happy we were not too late to change his application so that he can do the right thing. I’m also feeling better about it because now this change cannot impact my daughter’s application.
Thank you everyone for the helpful and kind input!


He will hear on Thursday from FSU, so, he can move to ED2 and if he doesn’t get into FSU there is still plenty of time to withdraw his application before BU’s ED2 Jan. 4th deadline. That’s what we were able to do today.


Glad it has worked out. Sounds like a good plan. Good luck to you and your son!


Thank you.

BU released early decisions today. EARLY! Daughter got deferred to regular decision, so, she is now applying to Emory ED2 and son will continue to wait until Thursday for FSU (as will daughter). This is sheer exhaustion! :melting_face:


Hang in there, it is stressful. :cold_sweat:

Good luck to you and your kids thru the rest of the process, keep us updated.


It is pretty nice to have the Florida schools, for free, as backups. (more than just FSU)

I hope you hear good news on Thursday.


OP- hang in there. This is for sure not the biggest decision your kids will ever have to make (choice of a spouse or life partner for sure is a bigger determinant of future happiness) so try to keep some perspective as you remind your kids “You will end up in a great place getting a college education and millions of people would trade places with you in a heartbeat”.

They’ll soar-- just get them through the winter break!!!


Agree 100%! Thank you!

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