Should the ACT Scoring be reformatted?

<p>What if instead of the current procedure of averaging the scores... they leave it in Sum form</p>

<p>So a Perfect Score would be a 144 and definitely be much harder to get than a 36. This would help the ACT's reputation more than trying to make the actual test harder. </p>

<p>So a 144 can be on equal level as a 2400 or even harder. </p>

<p>Schools will be able use your sub scores more efficiently(Theoretically, treating it like the SAT)</p>

<p>Just a thought</p>

<p>I completely agree with this. The ACT is on a bell curve, so for example most people claiming they got a 32 on the ACT actually got a 31.5 that just so happened to be rounded. The people getting 32.25 are currently viewed the same way as people getting 31.5 which doesn’t seem quite fair, even though there is obviously little difference between the scores.</p>