<p>We just received our financial aid package yesterday and are pretty happy with it but, of course, we would like to receive a little bit more. I'm thinking about asking for just two or three thousand more. Should we try appealing or could it possibly have a detrimental effect?</p>
<p>I am going to try…Even a few thousand helps!</p>
<p>You can appeal anything you want. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the school is going to give you more. If you don’t ask you won’t receive.</p>
<p>What could be the detrimental effect? They aren’t going to withdraw your child’s acceptance or reduce the given aid.</p>
<p>But…should you always appeal?..no. If that were the case, can you imagine what that would be like? Millions of people appealing every FA package that they get.</p>
<p>Yes, everyone would like a few more thousand. However, before you appeal, consider your chances. Are your child’s stats top/top for the school? Do you have a new, compelling reason for needing more aid? If not, then it’s not likely an appeal will do anything. </p>
<p>What is this school’s policy? Do they guarantee to meet need? </p>
<p>What was in your child’s FA package?</p>
<p>That would certainly put a brake on financial aid appeals - if there were a chance that the review could result in LESS aid.</p>