Shraf!? My forlorn--

<p>Whatever happened to Shraf? He used to post here all the time.</p>

<p>i'll forward you something</p>


<p>thanks for caring Gatsby</p>

<p>I just noticed that this website is a waste of time and that I am apparently not allowed to express myself the way I want nor is my insight appreciated. </p>

<p>Honestly, there are MUCH better ways to spend your time than answering the same question over and over again and having HS kids and parents report your posts and have certain parents on power trips abuse the only authority that they've ever had in their lives.</p>

<p>Oh and btw, I no longer frequent this site at all.....this post was pointed out to me by someone.</p>

<p>True, true. I ignored this site for years, but it somehow wheeled me back. Your story has inspired me to ditch it again, however. Much to the dismay, I'm sure, of those who want to know their chances, whether the food is good, and whether Carman is better than John Jay, questions which Vico-like appear again and again and again...</p>


<p>Yeah, Shraf, I was going to respond to that PM, but I never found the right words, and figured it wouldn't do any good anyway.</p>

<p>Your contributions here were always appreciated - especially by the prospectives, who knew you were nicer than some others we might mention - and are missed. There's not a job in the world that doesn't have its stresses, or people who treat you irrationally or unfairly. Doesn't mean it isn't still worth it.</p>

<p>New posters with information to share, current students and recent alums alike, pop up here from time to time. One who I hope sticks is Musil, who thus far has been pretty funny. But you predated all of us, from what I can tell, and were holding down the fort well.</p>

<p>No sense in continuing to protest the site's management. Like it or not, this site is where prospective Columbians will continue to come for information on the school we love. The people who matter on the Columbia board all like you. As long as people want us to contribute, you'll be welcome here.</p>


<p>Denz, you make me weak in the knees. Granted, my humor is no more than an elegant self-defense mechanism that serves to hide the delicate veins of insecurity that lie beneath, which itself is a product of a hug-less childhood, whose general unhappiness reached a crescendo when Johnny picked me last for the school's kickball team, and--</p>

<p>Oh, sorry, I get carried away. You just make me open up Denz. You just make me open up. ::Sniffle:::</p>

<p>Agree totally with Denzera. If you help just one student, it's not a waste of time. You've always had very insightful and valuable posts. Don't cave in to the few who, while they post here, don't really belong. Their posts mainly seem to consist of defending their daughters, not helping prospective students.</p>

Denz, you make me weak in the knees. Granted, my humor is no more than an elegant self-defense mechanism that serves to hide the delicate veins of insecurity that lie beneath, which itself is a product of a hug-less childhood, whose general unhappiness reached a crescendo when Johnny picked me last for the school's kickball team, and--


you must be a riot in the Philolexian society.</p>