<p>Wow, thanks again everyone. </p>
<p>I just emailed the GC to find out when AP Psych is held during the upcoming school year. I mentioned we might seek an all-out waiver for the pre-req so he can take it as a junior. Of course this may get us nowhere if it, too, conflicts with French. </p>
<p>Some of you mentioned putting French at a higher priority than Psych. Absolutely. That's been our strategy all along. </p>
<p>JustAMomOf4's post concerns me a wee bit. Mainly because Son chose to drop AP Physics and keep AP World. (No science this year.) I'm not concerned <em>a lot</em> because he already has 4 sciences behind him: Conceptual Physics, Honors Bio, Honors Chem I, Honors Chem II. AP Bio and AP Chem are off the table because he HATES them, he has exceeded graduation requirements, and is not heading toward "hard" science in college. AP Physics really would have been a good fit.</p>
<p>The self-study psych and French immersion camp are good ideas as last resorts. School credit and $$$ may be issues, but we won't rule them out. Thanks Midwest.</p>
<p>At the risk of boring you all to death, here's what we're working with for the total course load...</p>
Honors French 3
Honors French 4
Honors Am Lit
Honors Trig OR Honors Pre-Calc (depends on how things shake out)
AP World
Audit Academic Psych while doing Honors Psych assignments
Drop French 4 and take Honors Psych (boooo)
AP Prob & Stat to fill a hole if dropping psych
Computer lab to self-study psych
French 4 self study/immersion camp next summer ($$$ unfavorable, but possible)</p>
<p>FILLERS GC suggests for the holes left behind (all below honors level)
Issues of Society
Weight Training (already took it/met PE req)
Individual & Dual Sports (already met PE req)
Healht 2
Am Revolution & Civil War (boring, considering he already took APUSH)</p>
<p>Oh, and yes, I realize our woes are very common. And it's reassuring to read that AOs understand. The trickle down/domino effect of one course affecting many really does wear one out, though, doesn't it?</p>
<p>Thanks, all.</p>