SAT I: 2190 (not superscored) - CR: 700, M: 780, W: 710
SAT II: Math IIC: 680 (pathetic by your standards right?) Bio: 710 Chem: 710
GPA: 4.0 unweighted (school does not weight)
Rank (Decile): top 1%
Courseload - hardest possible combination</p>
<p>Being an international student, my external exams are a bit different. Please take these into consideration when chancing.
CSEC (Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate) exams (5 is the lowest and 1 is the highest you can get) - Bio 1, Chem 1, Phys 1, Mathematics 1, English 1, Literature 1, Spanish 1, Principles of accounts 1, Information Technology 1</p>
<p>CAPE Unit 1 (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations) (7 is the lowest and 1 is the highest) - Bio 1, Chem 1, Phys, 1, Pure Mathematics 1, Communication Studies 1
We were only allowed to sit a max of 5 and I will be sitting Unit 2 this year.</p>
<p>ECs and Community Service:
Chess: Captained 2 teams and currently on school's 'A' team, was secretary and treasurer of school club, currently President. Ranked among top 8 females in the island, runner up in national female blitz competition, other awards (colour me nerd lol)</p>
<p>Capoeira: earned first and second belts (love this stuff). Secretary and treasurer of school club.</p>
<p>Interact - Member for 2 years</p>
<p>Volleyball - played on school's team for one year</p>
<p>Music: No longer do it officially, but I did piano and got up to grade 5.</p>
<p>Community Service - Mentoring, involved in homework program at school and Big sister program - generally give back to school by helping the new students to readjust etc. 2 years</p>
<p>Biotechnology internship at a University this past summer. Did everything from initiation and media-making to hardening. REally enjoyed it an got to cultivate my own seeds.</p>
<p>Other Stuff
Teacher Recs: Good
Counselor rec: Ok
Essays: Pretty good from what I've heard
Applying for fin aid? Yes
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Black</p>
<p>I'm an international student who just got her green card. Please chance me for the following:
Yale University
Columbia University
Cornell University
University Of Chicago
John*s* Hopkins University</p>
<p>and yes I do have a few safeties.</p>