Similar schools

<p>What schools are most simialar to UW? I have already been accepted, and plan on attending next Autumn, but I am just curious which schools in the Big 10 are most similar? Thanks.</p>

<p>Academically I would say the University of Illinois - UC would be most similar (maybe Penn too). Of course, UW is ranked better in the social sciences, while Illinois is famous for its science and business. I think the atmosphere would be very similar to Michigan, as they are similar sized college towns with great athletics, and both with a proximity to major US cities (Ann Arbor to Detroit, Madison to Milwaukee and Chicago). </p>

<p>See you next fall! =]</p>

<p>Michigan and Minnesota. Both big schools although MN isn’t really in a college town. I would say Michigan is most similar.</p>

<p>I’ve always wondered why MN is considered a backup for so many people who apply to UW. I don’t think it really compares academically (granted it still is a very good public university). I would have thought that more people who apply to UW would apply to Michigan and Illinois and Penn, more prestigious schools. </p>

<p>And I’m not very biased, as I am a Minnesotan! :slight_smile: And half of my family went to the U.</p>

<p>One thing that MN does have over UW…Minneapolis! I would have loved to have gone to school in the Minny Apple, but I couldn’t give up being a Badger just for the city, and Madison is awesome too.</p>

<p>But the distractions of the metro area, the split campus (East Bank/West Bank/St. Paul) with separated dorms, the large number of commuter students, and the somewhat insulated administration makes U of MN a much less integrated, less collegiate experience than UW. The experience in Ann Arbor, however, compares more favorably.</p>

<p>Biggest reason for students to apply to both UW and U of M- money. With instate tuition reciprocity the costs are similar at both schools for Minnesota and Wisconsin residents. Geography also places the schools as closest for those states’ residents. A trip from anywhere in WI to Ann Arbor involves a trip around Lake Michigan- and through Chicagoland to a place similar in many respects (climate, culture…). A trip to the cornfields of Illinois… Not worth the extra money for most from Wisconsin.</p>

<p>Minnesota is a better school than Illinois hands down outside of engineering (actually the U is ranked 1 in the country for chem eng so I guess that part is better). Illinois liberal arts and business facilities are way outdated and run down because they spend almost all their money on engineering. Plus it’s a bad college town in the middle of nowhere.</p>

<p>Ignoring the UMinn/UW debates, I’d go with UW and Umich as most closely similar. Then a big gap to Indiana/PSU/UIUC. Outside the B10 I’d go with UNC, Texas, UCLA, UCB, and Washington-Seattle. And yes, I have been to all of them–not as a student but lived nearby or visited more than once.</p>