Similar supplement and common app essay

I am having trouble with the fact that both my common app and my supplements are kind of similar.

My common app essay was about a trivial argument between my friends on who the better soccer player is and how it made me adopt both qualities of the players and improve both academic and ECs by working hard and smart like the players did

Supplement 1: Describe an Extracurricular acticity or something you have passion for: Was about how my passion for soccer developed when I moved from Africa to Germany and basically how youth players in third world countries (where I am from, very poor) overcome hardship through diligence and how I have been working hard to achieve my goals just as they are.

Supplement 2: Describe a time where u collaborated and did what can’t be done alone: Wrote about a national research project that was about mathematics and it’s applications and we built simple and double pendulums and deriving their forumlas. I wrote how valuable every single persons contribution was and how everyone brought a skill set that improved the project on different levels

Supplement 3: How would you pursue engineering at our school ?

  • I wrote about how I gained my love for maths when I entered my first advanced math class then
  • I wrote about how I attended a live chat of engineering students and how I liked different departments they had to offer and how I will use them to the fullest.(Career fairs, Overseas program,). I wrote about how engineering classes start early on at that school and how that is beneficial to me.

Supplemental 4: what’s your favourite online destination and describe why?
I basically wrote It is a Football club barcelona fan website and has different features that are cool. Should I go more academic here or nah

What do you guys think? Am I well rounded or did I concentrate on a particular thing to much? Do you guys think that me having living lived in three different countries is an advantage(East african country, Germany and US now?) Anyways guys thx in advance for anyone willing to reply.