simple question

<p>when i apply for college, i will write my sat history test on the verbal subject test part. But apparently, when i ask collegeboard tp send my scores, they will send all of them, and this includes my 460 sat writing. specifically i am going to apply to MIT.(i was sick in the test, only solved it for 20-30 minutes, the rest was moaning),
will they consider my history score, or will they judge me by looking at my sat writing score 2? if so , do you think i should explain the situation i experienced?</p>

<p>i didnt cancel my score, because on the same day i took 2 other tests, Chemistry annd MAth 2c,i got 800 from both. i took medicine, and sat next to the heater after the writing test. and used the bathroom in the break, that helped alot.(tell nobody):P</p>