Since my last Chance me threat Failed Miserably. NYU Stern ED

<p>Chance me for NYU Stern ED</p>


<p>How hard is it for Stern Alums to get jobs in LA?</p>

<p>Thanks, cause I heard that if you go to NYU Stern as opposed to USC Marshall or Berkeley Haas, it is hard to land a gig on the west cost, LA area to be exact. I would like to work in advertising/marketing/iBanking, so any input would be grand. Also, the chance part. I am prepared to really immerse myself in debt for NYU, and HOPEFULLY its worth it. What are my chances for ED?</p>

english 1-2 A/A
geography/health B/A
Symphony Orchestra A/A
algebra 1-2 B/B
earth science C/B
english 3-4 ACC. B/A
Mod. Wrld Hst. ACC. A/A
Symph. Orch. A/A
Geometry B/A
Biology B/A
English 5-6 Honors A/A
Symph. Orch A/A
AP Art History B/A
Chemistry 1-2 A/A
Intermediate Algebra/Trigonometry Acc. B/A
German 1-2 A/B</p>

<p>self taught trigonometry [the whole course]</p>

<p>Senior Schedule
AP Calculus AB
AP English
AP Gov/Econ
AP Biology
german 3-4
chamber orchestra</p>

<p>GPA UW 3.75 W 4.0</p>

<p>AP ART History-3
AP US History-3
Actual Test Scores
SAT Reasoning 1840 ->>>>this is what kills me! Retaking, hoping to break 2000. I should break1900 <em>knock on wood</em>
SAT Subject Tests-
Spanish-730 [retaking, expecting 770]
Taking english sat II, not sure if this is the right title, but I am calling it english lit projected >700, Math II, Projected 650 or better.</p>

200+ hours comm service
Overture member-Was the manager for the volunteers who came to help out with the Long Beach Symphony Orchestra
Founded and was the president of a club-2 yrs.
treasurer of a club-1 yr
Tech tutor for 3 yrs.- helped out the local elementary schools teaching little kids photoshop and other digital moviemaking skills.
YMCA Youth Institute- 3 years-helped high school, low income, urban youth, with digital moviemaking skills.
Pasadena YMCA-Taught a summer class on moviemaking
Tutored kids around my neighborhood in Alg. and Chem.
First district youth council (one of the chairs)- a coalition of local youth that worked with the districts representative to bring positive changes to the community.
NCCJ Building Bridges camp seminar thing- Attended camp that basically was about racial issues, etc. Should I even include this?
Link Crew- in charge of being the welcoming committee of the incoming freshmen, guiding them around the school, giving them the breakdown of the school, etc. Oddly enough, its a big deal at my school, and theres about 70 kids selected from the about 500 applicants.
YMCA Youth and Government- 1 year.
Paula Fishman Music Studio-5 years [really demanding music teacher and studio, 2-3 hours of practicing a night]
Really strong letter of rec from the director of the YMCA of greater Long Beach, and the Director of the Long Beach Symphony Orchestra.
Junior Honor Guard <-- pretty big deal in my school, highly selective</p>

<p>Really good letters of rec from the President and CEO of the San Antonio Symphony Orchestra, and one from my high school counselor. </p>

<p>SoCal Resident
Mexican Male
Low income
first in family to go to university
Schools was alright. It had a magnet program where basically the 175 kids that were in it were considered a shoe in for 4 year universities. About 400 kidsin total went to a university with prob. 100 going to top ranked schools (UC's and above). There are about 1300, yes 1300 in the graduating class. Sends a few grads to top schools
[1 to harvard, 2 to yale, 2 to stanford, 1 to mit, 1 to UPenn, 2 to U of Chicago, I think 1 to Columbia, 1 to Cornell ]</p>

<p>everything looks pretty great except that stern sat's are normally 2200+
but i'm sure the mexican background will compensate if u could play off that in your essay</p>

<p>seems like a reach, no offense, good luck!</p>

<p>please chance me too pwetty please</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>thanks. Anyone else?</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>anyone else?
117 views and only 2 responses?
Das ist nich gut!</p>

<p>Just raise ur SAT score a bit and pray!
also write a great essay!</p>

<p>chance me here please
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>NYU Stern: Reach</p>

<p>The NYU admissions counselor told me that NYU gives very little to no financial aid for ED applicants, so I'd consider that if I were you. NYU Stern isn't the best college if you want to settle/work on the West Coast you're better of going to a school like UC Berkley, Stanford, UCLA or USC. Personally, I'd suggest USC cause they have an outstanding alumni background in California/West Coast region. My overall consensus is that you not apply ED to Stern and instead apply to a school like USC Marshal where you'd have a better chance of admission and have an outstanding West Coast alumni network.</p>

<p>oh wow, I didn't know that. Yea, I would eventually love to just settle in LA, like, bev hills or sometihng, and would be my dream to work in one of those huge buildings downtown. Stanford would be REALLY wishful thinking, but thands alot, both of you. Yea, I am hoping to break 2000, but now I am reconsidering wether to apply ED or not. I just dont really like USC all that much, you know? Berkeley would be bomb, but I wouldnt know if I got into Haas until my 3rd year there, wich is kinda lame. How competitive is Marshall?</p>

<p>Stern is a bit of a reach but it all depends on your final SAT score and essays, recs, etc.
I'm curious as to why you don't like USC though. I'm an east coaster and even I was considering USC, Marshall has a very good rep! Plus it's probably easier to get into and then get a job afterwards. </p>

<p>As for your SAT score, maybe try taking the ACT too. Some people are just ACT type people :) </p>

<p>chance me back?
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>well, first adn foremost, it would feel REALLY silly to pay thousands of dollars to live in a room in south central la. idk if too many ppl here are familiar with the area, but sketchy doesnt do it justice. It is downright dangerous. Also, living in NY would be awesome, so I could say I pretty much lived in the 2 epicenters of the US. I really want to work in LA, so for once in my life to get out of Southern California for an extended period of time sounds mighty fine =] Also, Stern has a prestigue about it, and although Marshall has it too, I dont think its to the same caliber. But when it comes down to it, I guess, if I want to land a job out here in la, I guess the most logical decision would be marshall.</p>

<p>thanks to everyone who chimed in.
anyone else?</p>

<p>yea! 10 char! Im bored and want to see how many replies I get at 1 in the morning. lol.</p>

<p>I started my app, and am currently working on the essays. Any last minute chances? haha, I sound really desperate.</p>