Singer/Stamps 2013

<p>Sorry - should’ve posted that :slight_smile: Gables Scholarship is $4K/year.</p>

<p>Results are out. Anyone got Stamps 2013?</p>

<p>D just sent me a text that she got the Singer. ACT 35 (36,36,34,32) Rank ~ 5/111 at a small prep school.</p>

<p>DS got the Singer and Foote Fellow. No invite for Stamps but we are thrilled!!!</p>

<p>Big congrats to READYTORETIRE and MTnest!</p>

<p>@KLM123 - did your D receive some good news?</p>

<p>Illinoismom, did your D get her Stamps invite at the same time as her Singer, or was it a bit later? Memory fading and too lazy to comb thru last years posts!</p>

<p>Yes it was all in one email - something like “you are a Singer winner and are also a finalist for Stamps” Her reaction was quite similar to the one just posted by nishanik15’s “Wwrpgobmeobeotnritypwrmypo I WAS INVITED TO INTERVIEW FOR STAMPS!”</p>

<p>Yep that’s pretty much what IllD93 said too : )</p>

<p>@MiniSota - Big congrats to you too! Just noticed your post re receiving the FF and a Gables Scholarship : )</p>

<p>Son received Singer Scholarship and the e-mail referenced Foote Fellow as well. I know all the kids were told they got it at the weekend, but then I thought they were told it wasn’t definite. Anyway…as far as stats: 35 ACT and tons of e.c., AP’s, community service, sports, leadership, honors and awards, etc. The e-mail said this was the most competitive applicant pool yet…or something along those lines. I believe it.</p>

<p>Thanks illinoismom93 - huge congrats to your D and everyone else as well!!!</p>


<p>Congrats to your son!! quite some amazing stats!</p>

<p>Congrats Debra19! Is your son planning to attend or perhaps waiting for other decisions?</p>

<p>we are headed to the []_[] this weekend for my D’s Singer interview, so I hope all you early birds get Stamps and leave a few Singer’s behind!</p>

<p>Ditto @Bulldoggator ! See you there this weekend.</p>

<p>My Alma Mater (Illinois) plays []_[] on Sunday. If Illinois wins do you think it will effect my son’s chances for a Singer…???</p>

<p>Hahaha, we don’t know that Illinois would play us, they could lose to Colorado… I have Illinois as only 1.14 point favorites in that game (yes, I do have a system, and yes, I’m a little obsessed :stuck_out_tongue: ), but that’s not very much at all. Two very evenly matched teams, should be a good game! Look forward to watching it.</p>

<p>Biocellar - I’m a Illinois grad with a son at the U too. It would be a mixed emotions game for me, but I’m definitely cheering for the Canes! They’re just such a likable team, and an amazing coach. Being versed in Illini tournament history, I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if they don’t make it out of the first round!</p>

<p>Illinoismom93 and Biocellar: Thank you so much! Yes. We are waiting to hear from other schools. However, today my son received a letter from UM telling him he was accepted into the honors college (or maybe the letter said honors program?) as well. He knows that he’s going to have a lot of schooling after his undergraduate degree, and he also knows he has to start building his resume all over again. Consequently, these additional accolades are all good things. It would be pretty tough to have to pay full tuition at an Ivy or Duke at this point…especially after getting four full tuition scholarships in total. I just think that for my son and his major in particular (biomedical engineering) an Ivy undergraduate education is a waste of money…especially when there will be medical school or graduate school following these four years. I mean, we are talking a difference of 40K each year. I think that’s pretty substantial.</p>

<p>@VHFather, Don’t remind me about NCAA first rounds…pls…!! We are on campus on Fri. so we will see about this Cane spirit you speak of!</p>

<p>@debra19, I have a long career in biomed field, startups(IPOs) Venture Capital and now venturing in a large multinational. PM me if you want to discuss with you and or your son. I have a BS from Illinois in Biochem. and that is it. It really depends on how he sees his career evolving and if he is a self starter/driven/optimist. PhD etc are necessary for certain routes and not for others. I completely agree that a solid BS degree at a solid school is enough to get into a solid Phd program etc. My son is in the same predicament. He is waiting on a few Ivies and Duke, Johns Hopkins. but has already been accepted in honors program at []_[] + the scholarships. Did your son apply to WUSTL?</p>

<p>@Biocellar - have a great time on campus. I was there more than I wanted to be last year, but there’s a great vibe to the campus. Great school spirit. I think (for the most part) that everyone is just happy to be there. Make sure you check out the new student center, which is scheduled to open in the Fall. It’s an amazing building, and I think it will add a lot to the campus.</p>

<p>Biocellar: I think my son wants to eventually go to medical school. I just feel that with a degree in bme, he’ll have a choice…as long as he makes sure he does what he needs to do to prepare for the MCATS. In the event he changes his mind, then perhaps he can get a master’s degree in bme or even a different type of engineering…and if he wants to go to Ivy for grad school, well…then we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. It’s just that the cost of Ivies undergrad is outrageous…especially when we know there will be graduate school/medical school. I feel like I’m paying for a “label” more than an education. He received the Paul Tulane scholarship from Tulane which is a full tuition scholarship. He really liked Tulane. We all did. It’s definitely a contender. Personally, I think Pitt is the best for bme, but he’s not interested at all. He considered applying to Wash U, but then decided against it. That, too, is a very expensive school. I showed him the scholarship information, but he wasn’t motivated enough to follow through with it I guess. When it is all said and done, I feel it’s going to come down to UM or Tulane.</p>