Singer/Stamps 2013

<p>The Stamps and Singer competitions (first Stamps and then two subsequent Singer weekends) will occur on the weekends of March 2, 23, and April 6th this year. I figured this thread could also serve as a thread for all the upcoming Singer/Stamps competitors since decisions (and invitations) should be out soon. Looking forward to hearing of lots of good news here!</p>

<p>I'm planning on volunteering for all three Saturdays so I look forward to seeing some of you parents and prospective students (while maybe not knowing it's you :p)!</p>

<p>I’m also trying to volunteer as well! Hopefully I’ll get to know some of you new marine science kids out there!</p>

<p>I am not familiar with these scholarships, so could you please talk about the differences between the two and what requirements/stats students normally have for them? Thanks! :)</p>

<p>Marinebio and seekinguni - Did an email go out asking for volunteers? How exciting -I can’t believe it’s been a year already. Seems like only yesterday we were all waiting anxiously to see if invites would arrive. I see the website hasn’t been updated yet for this year’s Stamps Scholarship Weekend - last year’s info is still there but I’m sure they’ll change it soon:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>cosurf - make sure to click on the Weekend Tips tab also since FAQs are covered there though I don’t know if the _ publishes anything currently that lists the different scholarships and stats info. They had in the past but that page has been changed. Things are different every year and last year was apparently quite different from the year before. Last year, for example, several students who hadn’t received the “University” $24,000 scholarship reported receiving invites to S/S which wasn’t the case in prior years so we’ll have to see how things play out this year! </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>There are several threads from last year’s cycle - including the one I bumped a day or so ago - that will give you some insight into the stats of students who received different scholarships and/or S/S invites last year:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>For the students who want to volunteer, I’m sure if you reach out to Cristi directly to express your interest, she’ll see that you make the list. I’d imagine they can use as many folks as they can get, and would be especially thankful for past Stamps/Singer scholarship winners to be among those sharing their time over the 3 weekends.</p>

<p>They sent all of us Foote Fellows an email asking us to sign up to volunteer if interested. :)</p>

<p>Thanks seekinguni! IllD93 says she’s signing up too :)</p>

<p>Stamps Scholarship Weekend website has been updated with this year’s schedule!</p>

<p>[Stamps</a> Scholarship Weekend](<a href=“]Stamps”></p>

<p>does anybody know when students will be notified about these weekends? they weren’t in the acceptance letters?</p>

<p>My D was just accepted with a $29K scholarship - do you think this would qualify her for the Singer/Stamps??</p>

<p>Wow…that’s the highest one I’ve seen. Based on past years, I would say an S/S invite will be coming her way.</p>

<p>If i received no scholarship, that means I’m not in the running for a S/S right?</p>

<p>^aristrutz523, that is correct.</p>

<p>Does Miami double up on scholarships? Like say someone receives a Presidential scholarship in their acceptance letter can they still be invited to the Singer/Stamps scholarship weekend? Or say someone who received no scholarship notification?</p>

<p>is Umiami generous with FA</p>

<p>^cosurf113 - Yes, S/S invite is usually extended to those with the highest scholarships - look like that’s 29k so far, but someone with 25k can certainly be invited. Conversely, if you receive no merit scholarship, then you would not be invited to a Singer weekend.</p>

<p>^beautifulchick95 - My impression is that UM is very generous with both their merit based aid as well as their need based aid. Assume your parents submitted a FAFSA? That will drive the need based portion of your FA package. They also have grants to use an an incentive to assist students who they want included in the freshman class.</p>

<p>@Zinc - Thanks for clarifying that. I was secretly hoping I would receive an invitation but I didn’t receive any scholarship whatsoever. (3.83 UW, 32 ACT, top 14%). Any idea why I didn’t get even a 6k?</p>

<p>My secret conspiracy theory is that I’ll still be invited but I should probably stop telling myself that…haha</p>

<p>thank you zincwhiskers. i was also wondering i got 6000 for scholarship money will that be taken off my EFC or the original cost of the school</p>

<p>I would assume class rank… it sucks, because that’s a score that’s seriously conditional on the high school, but UM historically values top 10% a lot.
Also, like any college-acceptance-type decision, keep in mind that you can’t “deserve” anything, only earn it. Perhaps there were enough more “qualified” students before you?</p>

<p>Lastly, awkotaco on the double thread for the S/S weekend :v</p>

<p>I’m sorry I’m confused- do you have to apply separately for this scholarship (or is it even too late to apply) or do they contact you for the opportunity? I got a presidential scholarship for $17k a year. Is this just additional merit aid?</p>