Single room on North Campus

<p>Heels?! On Cornell's campus?!</p>

<p>Elgguj -- I heard about the planned Asian/Asian-American center, as long as it ends up being like the Africana studies center, I don't really have a problem with it. There are some things that certain Asian/Asian-American students need to deal with it that others might just take for granted: model minority myth, extremely high expectations set by parents, etc. </p>

<p>That said, my sense is that Cornell is one of the better University's to be at if you are Asian/Asian-American, in terms of openness and student life and culture.</p>

<p>^as my friends always tell me "Ivy League accepted...common sense denied"</p>

<p>hahaha dewdrop, i've walked to class in heels too. I always pretend it doesnt hurt, but inside, a little piece of me is crying for help.</p>

<p>And they wonder why males think females are often irrational.</p>

<p>haha...we're not irrational...insane would be more like it ;-)</p>

<p>i wore heels just to dinner one night and i thought i would die. After seeing this, I took almost all of me hot shoes home during christmas break (and i really love my shoes)</p>

<p>i mean..i'm already almost 6'0 tall, so I don't really neeeed them anyway...</p>

<p>Question: If I put single on my housing decision, what hall am I most likely to get? I hear dickson?</p>

<p>since youre a guy, most likely dickson. but you could end up in the new dorms, low rises, or high rises. but be forewarned...sometimes people who request singles don't get them while people who request doubles get singles. its very weird. most of the time if you request a single though, you'll get it.</p>