single rooms?

<p>If I requested a private dorm room would I be likely to get one, or is LSU pretty much filling capacity? I'd really love to stay on campus there next year (if everything works out) but I'd rather live off-campus than share a room ... I like music playing all the time and falling asleep to movies and stuff, I don't think it would be fair to subject a stranger to that - also I like my own space :) Can any current LSU students help me out?</p>

<p>if you’re looking for a room for the 2010-2011 school year, all rooms are already full and there’s a huge waiting list.</p>

<p>if you’re talking about 2011-2012, there are a few single occupant rooms on campus, but they’re scattered all over; there’s not like one building full of them. Call ResLife and check with them though.</p>

<p>Your chances are very slim. There are few single rooms, and most of them will be taken by upperclassman who have the chance to select rooms before freshman.</p>

<p>Ah I thought that might be the case. I’ll just have to learn good roommate behaviour :slight_smile: Thanks for replying guys.</p>

<p>No problem. Try talk to your roommate from email if you are assigned one (assuming you do sign up fo LSU housing) and if you feel you are not compatible, don’t be afraid to request a change. The best thing you can do is be honest with your roommate, some will be totally fine with music and movies on. My Freshman roommate always fell asleep with the TV on and it did not bother me. Listening to music with headphones is an option you can get used to.</p>

<p>Be respectful and open to compromise and things should work out fine.</p>