<p>Can anyone tell me what's the appeal of single-sex dorms? I understand that some girls might be too shy to live in the same building as guys, but what about guys-only dorms? Why would you choose to live in such a dorm?</p>
<p>Sometimes you don't choose or you have religious obligations. At my school, you can't choose which dorm you're put in freshman year but all are coed by floor at least and you can request to be in one of the coed by room floors.</p>
<p>I almost regret being in the coed by room dorms now because it ended up being 29 guys and 8 girls on the floor, which is awkward.</p>
<p>At my school, each floor is single-sex for single and double rooms. For suite-style, each floor is co-ed, but each suite is single-sex.</p>
<p>I lived on both single-sex and coed dorms (by floor, the building overall held men & women). Experiences no doubt vary, but I found that frosh year on an all-guys floor was a lot of fun. It was like automatically being a member of a frat, people got along and could choose to participate in floor parties and activities as they saw fit. By contrast the 2nd year I lived on a coed floor (both frosh and sophs on it) and it was more like the HS lunchroom all over again. Cliques quickly formed, and there wasn't the same sense of friendliness and fun. I think this is understandable; 3 months earlier the frosh were HS kids and part of the whole HS clique scene, nothing magical happened over the summer to change their mindset.</p>