<p>Do most colleges have single-sex floors? If not, what are the ones that do?</p>
<p>This is one of my parents' requirements, that's why I'm asking.</p>
<p>Do most colleges have single-sex floors? If not, what are the ones that do?</p>
<p>This is one of my parents' requirements, that's why I'm asking.</p>
<p>Yeah, most do, I think. Same thing for me. My parents also want mme to be in a single-sex dorm. Sucks, ain't it?
Anyway, you have to request that in your application that you want a single- sex dorm. If you say nothing, they give you the 1st one they see ready.</p>
<p>I lived in a single sex dorm my first year, and I loved it. Though that could be because we shared a dining center with an all guys dorm and two mixed sex dorms. Just because you live in a single sex dorm doesn't mean that you won't meet guys.</p>
<p>I'm going to be living in a co-ed residence hall. However, the hall is divided by sex. Girls on one side, guys on the other. The wings are separated by lobbies. And you have to swipe your card to get into the living area, so a person couldn't just go across.</p>
<p>What's the point? If guys and girls are going to hang out, they're going to do it, might as well make it convenient.</p>
i'm a female, and i would prefer mixed floors. brings a little variety to your surroundings.</p>
<p>Notre Dame has no co-ed dorms.</p>
<p>my school has all co-ed dorms.. cept there is one all female floor somewhere. All floors are coed by wing but its pretty dumb because nothing seperates the wings.. in fact the people in the room next to me in august are girls so i can take a few steps if i want to see some girls</p>
<p>To be honest I think single-sex was better for frosh. My frosh year I was on a single-sex floor and it was like being automatically in a frat. People got along and participated in floor activities to various degrees, and we had no trouble meeting the other women in the dorm since there were always parties, dances, etc. On the coed floor soph year it was like the HS lunch room all over again. Cliques quickly formed, I guess because a lot of the frosh were in HS 3 months earlier and hadn't lost that attitude. Anyone on the floor could tell you who the groups were, who wouldn't talk to someone else, etc.</p>
<p>i was on a single-sex floor last year... looking back now, i kind of wish i had been on a co-ed floor, but my closest friends ended up being on my floor, so i was happy about where i was living. i had envisioned that our whole hall woudl be really cohesive, all best friends, kind of like camp... but that wasn't what it was like at all! (i have heard about people who had the opposite experience, though)</p>
<p>Most schools have mixed dorms, with maybe one or two floors in a certain building or two being single sex. Call all the schools you're interested in, and ask about this, because most likely there'll be a single sex floor SOMEWHERE in freshman campus housing</p>
<p>I was on an all female floor last year (the only one in freshman buildings anywhere on my campus) and it was ok. But i think a mixed floor would have been more fun; because me and my roomie would probably have hung out with more guys in general, just because the proximity would let us walk past their sections and rooms without having to make excuses lol.</p>
<p>At my college, even in the co-ed dorms all the floors are separated by sex. Guys on the first, girls on second and third, most of the time I think. I lived in an all female dorm last year, and it was ok. I kinda wished it was co-ed, but it wasn't that big a deal. It's not like I was surrounded by girls 24/7, I still met guys in other places. I'm living in a co-ed dorm in the fall but it still will be single-sex floors. Doesn't matter to me, as long I have some hot guys to check out passing in the lobby... ;)</p>
<p>For me I like single sex floors. Who wants to have to wear makeup/look nice/etc. 24/7?</p>
<p>Actually, I lived in a totally coed dorm last year (well, the dorms at my school are all coed save for a few floors here and there), no sections or anything of the sort, and you soon get used to walking past the guys in your PJ's/sweats/towel/bathrobe/etc. I don't think any of the girls felt any need to be dressed up around them, especially when it comes to guys of the same floor. Of course, there was a also a loose taboo against dormcest, and especially one against floorcest, so that may have contributed. Then again, I didn't have any problems visiting the guy I was interested in (and am now dating) who lived a floor above me in my PJ's and a sweatshirt.</p>
<p>I lived in a single sex dorm (400 girls in one building... hahaha) and for me, personally, it was a great decision to get placed in. There was the whole sense of comfortability, and although it got a little lonely, I feel like it was a great experience. Besides, you can always visit your friends in co-ed dorms so you don't miss out on that experience. Try anything!</p>
<p>ahobbit: Really?? Taboo against dormcest and floorcest? I thought it was only something you'd read about. =P So why the taboo? Why's it so bad to sleep with someone you live close to?</p>
Why's it so bad to sleep with someone you live close to?
After things go south and you'd rather not deal with a person it's tough when they live 2 doors away.</p>
<p>It's bad to sleep with someone you live close to cause if ever things go bad, then you basically have to see them everyday... awkward.</p>
<p>UCLA has all mixed floors except for one all-girls floor. I personally enjoyed it. I didn't know so many colleges had such a separation in living arrangements.</p>
<p>Yeah, basically what they said. There were a couple of cases of people being attracted to each other on the same floor at the beginning of the year (no sleeping around though, at least not that I know of). And yeah, none of it worked out, and it was just awkward from then on. </p>
<p>Plus, the floors in our dorm only had 16 people, so it's pretty impossible to avoid seeing anyone on your floor at least once a day. Perhaps on a floor with more people (like 60+ or something) it'd be less of a taboo.</p>
UCLA has all mixed floors except for one all-girls floor.
Back in the day the dorms were 50:50; 1/2 the floors were single-sex, the other half coed.</p>