SIR'd and deferred to Davis last year, now in at UCLA

I’m suddenly obsessing over something I was not in the least worried about until 5 minutes ago. I was accepted but deferred one year, and Davis is planning on having me start fall 2017. However, I reapplied and was admitted to UCLA for fall 2017. I never attended Davis so I never put them on my 2017 app for UCLA. If I SIR to UCLA, will I have any problems with either college? Thanks.

UC’s rarely grant deferrals so what are the conditions? Are you required to attend UCD? Were you allowed to apply to other schools after you deferred? Only UCD and UCLA admissions can answer your question but by applying and possibly accepting UCLA’s offer, you may have violated your agreement with UCD and could be rescinded by both schools.

The conditions were that I could not attend any other school, but they made an exception so that I could take one class. I have not accepted UCLA’s offer. @Gumbymom

@Gumbymom and I took that class at a community college.

The deadline for accepting hasn’t passed by now?

@doschicos June 1st

@sarah38: Not sure what the issue is in regards to you attending UCD. You entered into an agreement with UCD that you could defer to take the class. Once you have completed the class, you are expected to attend UCD in the Fall. So why did you apply to UCLA in the first place? Was this class also a class needed to get into UCLA?

Do the right thing (ethically and morally) and honor your agreement with UCD and forget about UCLA.

Again, if you do not want to attend UCD then you should contact admissions and get the go ahead to get out of the deferral agreement.

@Gumbymom Doing the right thing doesn’t mean you can’t change your plans over the course of an entire year. Life decisions that involve entire families and change the futures of multiple people are a little more complicated than what you’re suggesting. Doing the right thing here involves being honest with the college, not honoring my commitment to attend.

I just cannot understand why post on this forum when you should be contacting the schools involved. UC deferrals are granted on a case by case basis, so only the school(s) affected can answer you original question. I agree things do change so get the OK from UCD if you want to enroll at UCLA and then there will be no repercussions.

@gumbymom This forum is for when you need an opinion before you contact the college, or when the college is not available, or for advice or encouragement when deciding how to approach things.

@sarah38 Because you signed a deferal with UCD and SIRd you are/were expected to attend. The fact that you applied to UCLA is puzzling since you already had a school to attend. Having two active SIRs is grounds for admission to be revoked. Contact the admissions office of davis first and explain then ucla. TBH I am really confused why you would do this.

@10s4life: Glad to see I am not the only poster questioning OP’s reasoning on applying to UCLA when she had a deferral agreement with UCD. I guess being ethical doesn’t exist some peoples vocabulary.

To all, thank you for your responses, judgment and self-righteousness notwithstanding! After receiving answers from both colleges including the assistant director of admissions, no rules were broken, there are no ethics issues, and both colleges await my decision. For future reference for anyone in this same situation (I believe it will be rare), there are currently no negative repercussions for submitting an SIR to a UC, deferring enrollment, then applying for another the next year (unless you count postponing your education, which in this instance was a positive thing).