Sitting in on classes

<p>If by chance my D is accepted we plan to visit the campus in March. Would she be able to sit in on some classes?</p>

<p>Yes. Contact Patty Raine, the head of the MT program to make the arrangements. In general, all classes other than acting studio can be attended by prospective students. Acting Studio is usually closed to outsiders because very often the work requires students to expose emotional vulnerabilities or take emotional risks. Sitting in on classes, even if limited to voice, dance, MT repertoire etc is invaluable in determining whether the school feels like a good fit. </p>

<p>Thank you…My D is straight acting but I would guess she would get a good feel for the school through those classes as well. :)</p>

<p>There are a load of acting program classes that your D could sit in on too. Talk to David Howey, the head of the acting program.</p>