Sixth Most Beautiful Campus

That’s according to a website called, College Consensus - with the slight qualification that it prizes Autumn foliage. So, obviously, a lot of southwestern campuses wouldn’t make the cut. Still, it’s nice to see Wesleyan’s carefully curated architectural legacy and natural beauty getting the attention it deserves:

So anyplace that has foliage that turns in the Fall, wow couldn’t tell the difference between 1 and 30, god, we love rankings.

If Michigan not on this list it’s not real. Same company does "Most haunted campuses ?.

^Well, I won’t pretend I’ve set foot on all thirty campuses, but, #27 looks a little shaky to me.

I have been to #27 and it doesn’t qualify - in any season.

I love Wesleyan Would have been very happy for my kids to go there. That said, even in autumn, it wouldn’t rank in my top 10 most beautiful campuses list.

^I was looking at the staff backgrounds of the College Consensus (an obvious take-off on College Confidential) team and it is striking that they all come from the American southwest. So, it might explain such notable omissions as Swarthmore, Hamilton and Amherst. OTOH, Wesleyan almost certainly got a boost from being cross-listed on the “25 Best River and Lake Colleges” (#5)

Rating is not at all surprising. The diversity and quality of the architecture on the Wesleyan campus is hard to beat. On a fall afternoon, NESCAC football in the center of campus on one of the oldest collegiate athletic fields still in use is a unique experience.

No Boston College for autumn with the trees grass and plantings. Nah list is sketchy !


There are so many - it’s a good list. But like any other list, so subjective.

Not a single Calfornia school? Obviously anti-California. :smiley:

Posters may want to consider that the site itself states that the included colleges have “not [been ranked] according to any measure of their relative beauty.” (Italics added.)