SJSU rejects students for the first time..

<p>San</a> Jose State Rejects Qualified Students for First Time - The Paper Trail (</p>

<p>Over 4,000 rejected. Ouch.</p>

<p>Does anyone know why San Jose State is not listed in “College Discussion?”
I was wondering what is the point of me attending San Jose State when my GPA is above 3.5 (maybe 3.7)?</p>

<p>It’s entirely dependent on what your goals are. You’re certainly not limited to San Jose State. What’s your major?</p>

<p>My intended major in SJS is Accounting Info. Systems.
Lol, all my accounting instructors have recommended SJS!!
By the way, I got in San Diego State (Accounting) this Fall 09. However, SDS is too far from my parents and girlfriend, I live in South Bay Area.</p>

<p>too far from parents n gf?
dont let that influence your decions!</p>

<p>I was waitlisted for sjsu with 3.34 gpa when I applied, mechanical engineering major.</p>

<p>They sent me an email saying"there’s a change in your application statues" so I went on to check, and wow, it’s still “Incomplete”!
I know they have good Accounting major but I don’t like them…HMM! Just reject me…don’t hung it right there!
Anyways…just a backup skool 4 me!</p>