<p>For those who are interested in all kinds of outdoor diversions at the U of C...my D just called and said she spent a wonderful 2 hours yesterday ice skating at the rink on the Midway. She was pleasantly surprised to return from Thanksgiving to find that the rink had opened. She had assumed it would not open until after winter break. Anyway, she shlepped her skates to class and wandered over after her last class got out at 4:30 yesterday. She said it was a great way to be outside, get some exercise, work on her skating skills (she joined the women's hockey team) and to meet some really nice people from the community...not just the U of C community. So, if you're on campus and looking for something to break up the stress of reading week and finals, head over to the Midway! And if you're just visiting, it's something else to do to get the feel of the University.</p>
<p>I didn't know it was open yet, actually. </p>
<p>Another great place to skate is the outside rink downtown. It's awesome at night to skate surrounding by lit skyscrapers, and afterwards you can walk over to Moonstruck for a warm drink.</p>
<p>Is that the rink in Millennium Park, or is there another one? If it's another one, where exactly is it? Thanks.</p>
<p>Oh, sorry, I meant the one in Millennium Park.</p>