Skidmore Class of 2025 -- Regular Decision

Greg gang…we stan


Greg - I gotta tell you. I’ve been watching your messages go on and on and on. I think you really need to step away from the computer. This is all part of the process. I’m not sure how your acceptance would impact making plans for a few weeks from now since you wouldn’t start school until the fall, but you just have to let it go. The decisions are going to come out when they push that button and nothing any of us here can do will change that. Take a deep breath.


I will, and I apologize for doing all this. All I am feeling is the need to know whether or not I got in. I just hope to know. I applied for Fall 2021, but if I get in, I plan to visit Skidmore in person the week of March 29. I completely understand what you are saying.

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No reason to apologize. It just seems like you’re letting it take you over. Go find a good movie or series on tv to lose yourself in and try to let it go. We will all get an email when the updates have happened at the same time. There isn’t anything that will happen here that will make it happen faster or slower. There are so many better things to be doing than worrying. :slight_smile:


I know. Thank you for helping me. I completely understand what you are saying.

u guys freaked me out with all the notifications i thought decisions were out


They will be out soon, hopefully.


this week?

we don’t know

They do give an estimated time…mid-March.

Hey! My son got into Emerson Film EA and is reallllly interested in Skidmore. Can you share a little bit more about your conversation with the head of the film program? I want to be able to provide the info to my son. Thanks!!

@merjess and @juliaffffff … I wanted to share something a friend told me. 3 years ago her daughter applied to Skidmore and Syracuse - Newhouse. She is interested in writing for tv shows. Her daughter got into both schools. They all loved Skidmore and spoke to a professor in this field at Skidmore but it seemed very limited their offerings. Her daughter ended up at Syracuse as they offer a lot in this major. However, my friend said it was a really tough decision b/c they knew socially Skidmore was a much better fit for her daughter than Syracuse. She is now a junior at Syracuse and very happy with her education but as her parents suspected the large, party atmosphere of Syracuse has not been the best fit, but still her daughter has made the best of it. I don’t think her daughter applied to Emerson so I can’t comment on Emerson, except to say I live outside the Boston area and Boston is a really great city to go to school if you like urban. Good luck!


Personally, I am missing the Greg’s… :grinning: :rofl: :joy:



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And thanks so much for the info! I have a feeling that we’ll be looking at the “fit” of the schools for my son!

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I think you really can’t go wrong with the fit approach. It’s so hard to know if what they are interested in now sticks though out college…

They’re out! Check the portal! Go, Greggs, go! Good luck to all!

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Greg Gang- decisions are out! Check your portals! Good luck, everyone!!

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Whoops! Forgot to say my son was accepted! Good luck everyone!


waiting on your update greg (: