Skidmore - Experiences thus far from a freshman parent

Hi. I found CC so helpful in the college search that I wanted to share what my freshman daughter’s experiences have been thus far at Skidmore. Of course it’s early in the school year so many things we are still learning about, but thought I’d still share!

  1. THE FRESHMEN TRIPLE SITUATION!! OK, this may be one of my biggest beefs with Skidmore. Skidmore typically has put a large majority of freshman in forced triples. Last year with Covid they did not use triples. This year at their student accepted days they very clearly stated no triples for freshman again this year. (We went to multiple events and they said the same thing each time.) But then after everyone has committed, they changed this and said oh so sorry but there was more interest in on campus housing from the upper classmen then they expected and triples will be needed for freshmen. They did offer financial offers, and doubled the amount they normally give, to compensate for this and in the beginning asked for volunteers who would be interested in the incentive. However, there still were not enough volunteers and it seems like most freshmen are in triples. I found this really deceptive and it still really bugs me, and not the best way to start our experience with Skidmore.

So what are the triples like? They are tight for sure. There are pics on the website that give you a sense of them. I will say there seems to be enough room for all my daughter’s stuff and most will say the same thing. The beds are lofted 30 inches (this is the highest they go and there are no bunk beds) and it’s enough room for the dresser and bookcase that Skidmore provides plus extra room for more storage stuff to store under there. The closets are a decent size (all rooms have 3 closets so there is no sharing) and the desk has good storage. There is little room for anything else and just feels tight. There is a possibility if you are lucky you will get a double and if that is the case the room size is generous for a double, but just tight for a triple.

The DORMS – My daughter lives on the North part of campus and I think those dorms are the better ones. The best part is her dorm (Howe-Rounds) has a/c and has amazing 3 large windows with a very long, nice window bench. The views are amazing!! The dorms on the South part of campus have one long window and a smaller window bench and no a/c. Those rooms seem to be long and narrow. You can not choose which dorm you would like freshman year. ALL OF THE DORMS ARE OLD AND DATED. It strikes you as soon as you walk in. The bathrooms are also very dated and look like they haven’t been renovated in decades. It’s definitely time they are updated. But I will say they are kept clean and my daughter really has no complaints about them. Other parents have complained about some maintenance issues but we didn’t encounter any. I think students adjust to the outdated feel of the dorms and I think this is just what you encounter on so many college campuses. But you should know this-- If you are looking for updated, modern dorms your freshmen and sophomore years it will not happen at Skidmore. However, the on campus apartments for juniors and seniors are much newer and look amazing!

CLASSES - Thus far my daughter seems happy with all of her classes, likes her professors, has small class sizes, finds the workload reasonable. There seems like a lot of academic supports in place for students. The only surprise came when registering for classes. The first half of the alphabet registers first and then it swaps the second semester. She got to register in the first group and did get all the classes she needed. However, kids in the second group found a lot of classes were full and did not get the classes they wanted. I was surprised that even intro classes meant for freshmen had a lot of the classes already filled by upperclassmen. People say there is a chance to get in with the waiting lists. Daughter is a Bio major and needed to take bio and chem with 2 labs, each 3 hours, it was very challenging to come up with a schedule that would work for her. In the end it did come together ok. She also would like to minor in art but art classes are longer and it was impossible to coordinate the art class with 2 science classes plus labs. We are hoping next semester that will be easier to coordinate this, but it was a surprise.

STUDENT BODY - Daughter has found the students to be nice, welcoming, so far not a lot of cliques. She is not an athlete and has friends that are and are not athletes. Highly recommend Skidmore’s pre-orientation programs to make friends. This helped my daughter a lot. She is just starting to participate in clubs.

THE FOOD - Skidmore has a reputation of good food as far as college campuses go. My daughter has always been a selective eater and may not be the best judge of the food. She is struggling a bit with the food but normally can find something she can eat. The menus are posted on line and you can get the sense of them. At first glance they look pretty good, but it seems pretty repetitive too. Again we might not be the best to comment on food as daughter is picky in general.

THE CAMPUS and AREA - The campus is pretty, feels very safe and the downtown area fun for students. Although the downtown stores and restaurants seem more upscale and pricey for college students, given the touristy nature for the area in the summer months. The free bus seems to work well for students. My daughter has yet to explore a lot of the bus system but it seems good and a lot of big box stores and chains not far on the bus, just D is yet to fully explore.

In summary, so far it feels like D is off to a good start at Skidmore! I am happy to answer any questions. Good luck in your college search!


Thank you for this info! Skidmore has just appeared on our radar for my shy California kid. She has a 4.0 unweighted but only a handful of APs. Not sure if she could get in, or if we could afford it, or if she could handle winter, but it’s great to get a firsthand and recent impression.

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@Ally86 I know that there are definitely a good number of kids at Skidmore from California. If I can answer any questions let me know! Good luck!

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Has Skidmore said anything about the triples? Are they trying to find a way to end the practice? My daughter would not do well in that right room and it’s the one thing that’s keeping us form applying early decision…

My son applied ED so I will be watching this thread. He also did an interview.

I wish I had better news but no. The triples remain. Sometimes space opens up and kids are moved out of the triples but no such luck for my daughter so far but she has put her name on a list for a single if there is an opening. It is tight but my daughter is managing. But if you are serious about Skidmore you should be prepared for a good possibility of a triple freshman year. But definitely not after freshman year. A lot of sophomores get singles. Juniors and seniors are in the on campus apts that look modern and spacious. Housing is guaranteed. So it’s just getting through freshman year. They do give financial compensation for being in the triple. If you have more questions I really would be happy to answer them. You can send me a DM. Overall my D is happy there.

Good luck @berberina! My daughter is having a good freshman year! If he does end up at Skidmore definitely join the Facebook parent’s page. You’ll get a ton of good info there. Happy to answer any questions too!

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I certainly will. I’m the FB Group moderator at my older son’s college so I’m very familiar with how that works. This year they notify on 12/9, which is very soon. Thank you!

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Good luck, @berberina! Hopefully I’ll see you over at the parents Facebook page! :grinning:

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What’s the social life like? I saw LOTS of cars on campus when we visited snd I worried that people go away a lot on weekends.can you speak to that?


Hi @Demanda22. All students allowed to have cars on campus. My daughter is a freshman but so far it really seems that most kids stay on campus over the weekends. Thanksgiving will be the first time she is coming home. There are a lot of clubs that host activities and also my daughter has gone to a couple of theatre/music performances. I do think the amount of social activities is a bit more limited due to Covid but it’s hard for me to assess with my daughter being a freshman. Still she has a group of friends that she usually finds things to do with and hang out. The downtown area (really nice) is about a mile from the campus with lots of restaurants and bars that I think a lot of kids go to on weekends. They have an 18+ club that a lot of kids go to. My daughter has done other things in the area like a haunted corn maze and apple picking and one long weekend took the train just for the day to NYC. She also went hiking with the Outing Club. My daughter never seems to be hurting for things to do, just the other day she was complaining that time goes by too fast at school, so I guess that’s a good thing. But still, know that Skidmore has a small school feel, there are no frats/sororities and while there are parties I don’t think a ton of them, but what do I really know as the mom, haha! (Also, you don’t need to have a car on campus. There is the city bus which stops right at Skidmore, it’s free, and seems to run well. It will take you to downtown and also in the other direction to the more big box stores. My daughter does not have a car. A couple of her friends do.) Happy to answer any other questions! Good luck!


Parent of prospective applicant here. Gotta ask about what, based on a number of sources, would almost seem to be the elephant in the room at Skidmore: marijuana use. S not zealously opposed to its presence, but would prefer it not be too prevalent. I have read both that the prevalence is overstated and that it is not overstated. So… can anybody comment objectively (to the degree that is possible for humans regardless of subject matter).


Absolutely marijuana is there. My sense is it’s more of a weekend thing, I think?? I really don’t think it’s any more or any less than the typical college campus. My daughter has told me edibles purchased at dispensaries are popular. There is a substance free dorm that actually my daughter does live in (she was assigned there so not really by choice). I get the sense that there is really no pressure to partake if you don’t want to. Same with alcohol but my daughter says in her circles anyway weed is easier to get. These are my impressions but I’m just the mom so who really knows! My daughter comes home for T-giving break soon and if I learn more I’ll PM you!

Hey, thanks. Every little bit helps. Would you happen to know if first-years who request substance-free housing going in are guaranteed to get it?

Hi, Mom of a freshman here. My son requested substance-free housing and didn’t get it. He was told that they “cannot accommodate every request.” He was assigned a double and not a triple so he was happy with that at least. There has been an issue (fire alarms going off, emails from RA’s pleading with kids to stop, etc) with weed in the dorm he was eventually assigned to, but he admits he doesn’t see it or smell it really…just that some of the RA’s have had problems controlling it on some floors. It doesn’t seem to bother my son too much. He does, however, complain about the mice problem in his dorm. So there is that. Let me finish here by saying he does like his classes and professors and has adjusted well his first semester.

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Hmmm. Interesting. Did your son say if the mice seem stoned? But seriously, I guess it’s good that they (the RA’s, not the mice) at least make some effort to control it. Maybe I’m making too much out of it, because the place does seem to have a lot going for it overall. But I’m not on board with the notion that the stuff is relatively harmless, especially for still developing young brains. Alas, that seems to be a little-shared opinion among the general population, although those who have studied the effects pretty much unanimously concur. And, as my son would not fit in at the few places where there reportedly is very little usage, perhaps it is unavoidable. Anyway, much obliged for sharing your perspective.


@Herewego2003 That is interesting & unfortunate that Skidmore didn’t honor his substance free dorm request. My daughter, on the other hand, didnt want that dorm and got it (and the triple, sigh…) Sorry about the mice, yuck. Would you mind sharing with me which dorm that is?

@regiarc I agree with you about marijuana usage but find the kids are going to do what they want. My D did not regularly use in high school (she may have tried it once or twice I am not sure) but is pretty open with us that she does do edibles purchased at a dispensary and does drink on occasion when she has access to alcohol. I am not thrilled but I was young once too… I just try to give the message of moderation and safety. The one thing I do like about Skidmore is the lack of frat parties as there are no frats/sororities so that whole culture is not there. However, there are a lot of kids that get fake IDs and go to the downtown bars. If your son chooses to go to Skidmore definitely have him try for the sub free dorm (Howes-Round). If he doesnt get it he can put his name on a list for an opening… The RA’s do enforce the no substances policy at Howes Round and another benefit is that it has a/c and has really nice big windows with a more square layout of a room instead of the long narrow layout that you see on the website. Good luck with whatever school he decides on!

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Sounds like you have a healthy response to something you have no control over. More so than my stewing over it, no doubt. As for the dorm, sounds like it would be pretty random even if he selected H-R.

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My son (who requested the substance free dorm), ended up in McClellan, or “The Dirty Mac” as it known on campus. If you would have told me that my son was going to end up in this dorm (worn out and yucky, mice, marijuana issue) I would swear that he wouldn’t be able survive it and it would be a deal breaker for Skidmore. However, get this…If you asked him what he likes about Skidmore, he’ll name his dorm as one of the positives. He likes his roommate, and it’s close to Case Center and the Dining Hall. This is a kid who had it pretty sweet at home with his own room and bathroom at home. So, I will now admit I can predict nothing.


Funny stuff. One of our concerns is not so much that there would be grass (how’s that for a dated term) around, but that he’d end up with randomly assigned roommates or suitemates that were heavy users.