Hi guys 
I am an international tenth-grade applicant. I have finished my interviews, but did them via Skype. Would this fact matter a lot in the application? I am quite worried that I did not visit the school for interviews!
All the best for your applications!
Would there be a significant disadvatange??
Significant, not really. But maybe a slight disadvantage. If you visited the schools in person it probably won’t matter too much. There are lots of threads about this written by far more informed people than me, check them out. 
There is no significant disadvantage. The schools do Skype interviews because they know not everyone can get to campus. Our son didn’t even do Skpe, just a an interview at a local coffee shop with an alum, and he never saw the campus until revisit days. Do not stress about things over which you have no control.
I think @nico.campbell can attest to the fact Skype interviews do not provide disadvantages in themselves alone. He was accepted to multiple schools and had not visited their campuses!