Slavic R5B vs. South Asian R5B

<p>I had a question about these two sections. Can anyone tell me which GSI they had and the workload for it (i.e. were there quiz/assignments, or just essays, etc)</p>

<p>I'm trying to decide between taking Slavic with Papava who says she assigns about 50 pages of reading a week, with possible quizzes and short writing assignments with 4 essays. But Slavic's average is an A- whereas South Asian's is a B+.</p>

<p>Has anyone had Acharya for South Asian or anyone under South Asian?</p>

<p>Thanks for reading and the help.</p>

<p>Haven’t taken either of these professors, but all reading and composition classes have the same number of “pages” assigned (i.e. # of essays times pages per essay). I’d be inclined to avoid Papava because the quizzes mean that you’ll have to keep up on the readings, rather than choosing which readings to selectively read (and when) in preparation of the essays. I’d also consider which fits better with your schedule, and continue to look for people who have specifically taken these professors/GSIs.</p>