Sleep tight tonight, kids

<p>YES. My bizarre sense of humor is validated at last. Shrek thinks I'm funny. Huzzah!</p>

<p>kebree is funny in a literary, lord of the rings kind of way</p>

<p>Haha, for real. I have a makeup AP chem test tomorrow that I'm going to bomb for sure at this rate. I'm too on edge. Way too on edge...</p>

<p>Okay, I totally just typed in "pu" when I was trying to type in [i (off by one letter). I think it means something! <em>searches psychotically for the hand of fate</em> Gah!</p>

<p>EDIT: haha! thanks, shrek :)</p>

<p>OMG I GOT A PM I GOT A PM!!! THANKS KEBREE! i love it! hahahaha</p>

<p>You're a popular guy, what can you say? lol</p>

<p>Mr. Congeniality, no?</p>

<p>I actually just had a cookie myself, and some warm tea........</p>

<p>I'll tell you why Yale doesn't have a mom. I applied to Yale the first year it went coed. My interviewer made some lame comment about how the applicants were getting prettier which really made me feel uncomfortable. Then he asked me if I'd prefer another school if I got in and I said , "Yes." I didn't get in and I'm sure he's dead by now.</p>

<p>Yes. There's a certain cuteness to my hermit-crab qualities</p>

<p>I just realized that all ivies want an interview?! wtf I am gonna have like an interview for Yale, Columbia, Upenn, Brown, GTown, and Tufts?!?! WTF</p>

<p>there's an easy fix to that. don't apply to Upenn :)</p>

<p>(I was talking to shrek, Enco, but that's okay.) haha jk, jk</p>

<p>Hehe, yeah, same here, legend. Comes with the territory, though.</p>

<p>ahh im having too much fun rite now its making me happy =P</p>

<p>oooh, Phil=1236 posts, shrek=1235...close match...i remember those days</p>

<p>whoa! I hadn't even noticed that! <em>draws out dueling gun</em></p>

<p>lol, yeah. shrek seems to come out on top though</p>

<p>haha enco ur fallin behind! u must regain those posts!</p>

<p>dangit, I'm gonna lose tonight because he's on stupid West Coast time...unless I stay up 'til like 3:00 tomorrow morning...which is entirely possible since it seems I'm way too wired to sleep or do any work. Gah!</p>

<p>i feel like i post way too much though</p>

<p>enco ur posts are loved! </p>

<p>hahahahaa philntex. ur only 1 hour ahead of me</p>

<p>it should be a plot. when zant goes to oregon me phil enco and kebree all surpass her =P whoo!</p>