<p>My stats
act=29 (1st time, but will retake hoping for 30 or above)
satII us history(700) chemistry (730)
10 ap by end of senior year (Most rigorous possible) (already scored a 5, three 4, and two 3) (mostly A and A-) AP scholar with distinction
no class rank, but would be top 3% out of 700 students.
cello player since 4ht grade, amnesty international (10,11,12), math team(11, 12) nhs (11,12) volunteer at hospital(11,12) tutor children(10,11,12), led a mandatory class of about 20 students (only leadership)
first generation college person, biracial (asian caucasion), disadvantaged (low income, parent at mental hospital, divorced, all happened during high school but managed to keep up my grades)</p>
<p>Do I have a chance??</p>