<p>For Juniors who are intending to apply to SLS, applications open on the 15th December.</p>
<p>USMA</a> Admissions: More Info: Summer Program</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>For Juniors who are intending to apply to SLS, applications open on the 15th December.</p>
<p>USMA</a> Admissions: More Info: Summer Program</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>Applications are now open.</p>
<p><a href=“https://candidate.usma.edu/guest/cq/dad_pcq_part1.cfm?field1=AL[/url]”>https://candidate.usma.edu/guest/cq/dad_pcq_part1.cfm?field1=AL</a></p>
<p>Please be sure to read the entire [page</a> related to SLS](<a href=“http://admissions.usma.edu/MoreInfo/summer.cfm]page”>http://admissions.usma.edu/MoreInfo/summer.cfm) BEFORE clicking on the link provided by Ann. Also, be sure to complete the SLS Workshop preferences after submitting the personal informaiton. If you haven’t submitted BOTH of these documents (the CQ and the Workshop preferences), West Point Admissions won’t be able to process your application.</p>
<p>Note that the [SLS</a> Information Page](<a href=“http://www.admissions.usma.edu/MoreInfo/summer.cfm]SLS”>http://www.admissions.usma.edu/MoreInfo/summer.cfm) was recently updated showing the following: </p>
<p>NOTE: Technical difficulties are delaying the application to SLS. Check back soon for updates and we apologize for the inconvenience .</p>
<p>Please take the advantage of this event. It will definitely help you on selecting WP as a #1 college choice.</p>
<p>The problem has been corrected. It looks like candidates can apply now.
<p>Good Morning Folks,</p>
<p>For those considering applying to the West Point Class of 2014, the 2009 Summer Leaders Seminar (SLS) will provide you a superb opportunity to visit the campus and get a taste of the many education and leadership opportunities provided cadets.</p>
<p>Our son attended SLS during June 2008 and absolutely loved it. It was the deciding factor in his wanting to attend the USMA over the USNA and Army/Navy ROTC, and motivated him to aggressively proceed last summer with his WP application. He was extremely impressed with the maturity of the cadets leading SLS, and made several friends from across the country that hes kept in touch with since attending.</p>
<p>We made a mini family vacation out of the visit which provided us an excellent opportunity to see the campus when we dropped-off our son. For any parents that havent toured the campus, heres your chance. The SLS graduation ceremony is quite impressive and will provide parents a glance at a little military pomp and circumstance, complete with the West Point Band. In summary, it was an unforgettable experience for our son and us, and hats off to those that ran the program.</p>
<p>Merry Christmas,
<p>I have to agree. It is a fabulous program and definitely “sealed the deal” for my son. </p>
<p>Happy holidays everyone, and good luck to those who apply!</p>
<p>When do we hear if we got accepted to the program? I just applied and am keeping my fingers crossed!</p>
<p>well, i got my acceptance in the mail today. it takes about a week</p>
<p>Congrats, they mail it to you? What kind of numbers do you have? Just curious of course :D.</p>
<p>I just got my acceptance today. I applied on Tuesday. I had a 203 on the PSAT. I need to figure out how to go with the weeks being right during my final exams. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. I’m going.</p>
<p>Congrats, I’m a little below that. I should go check! Do they tell you online too?</p>
<p>I just got mine yesterday too. I don’t know what session I am going to go to because I also applied to USNA and USAFA summer seminars and I don’t want them to conflict. I guess I will call admissions and see what they have to say. I like titan too and have my finals right around that time, so I’ll need to figure that out. My SATs were 680 math, 560 reading/writing.</p>
<p>Hmmm…I guess I should go check the mail today!</p>
<p>I’m scared… maybe I didn’t get in… o well.</p>
<p>Me too! But I live in a podunk town so it could take a while to get here. Plus it’s around Christmas time. Keep the faith!</p>
<p>Yeah thats was I was thinking, because the Academy is all the way over in NY and I’m across the continent in Cali… hopefully though… I really want to go… Also, does anyone know if you can attend more than one summer session, for example I am trying to decide between the Naval Academy and West Point and I would love to attend both summer sessions.</p>
<p>My daughter had the same issue with finals and SLS overlapping. She spoke with her counselor and teachers. Because AP exams were taken earlier in May, she only had 1 or 2 finals to take. The school accommodated her and allowed her to take the finals early so she could attend Session 1. I can suggest getting your counselor on your side early in the entire process. You’ll need the help next year, too.</p>
<p>Yes, you’re allowed to attend the summer programs at different academies. You just have to work on the schedule. There are usually several participants who fly between academies in order to attend the sessions.</p>
<p>Good luck to all!</p>
<p>Same with me Katrina. I have applied to the USAFA and USMA seminars already. From what everyone tells me the USAFA takes a lot longer to get an answer. I will also be applying for the USNA and possible the USCGA! I definitely want to be able to go to at least two of them.</p>