SLU presidential scholarship 2019

so I was on another thread and someone mentioned that they had already received notification of their presidential scholarship… has anyone else gotten anything ??

We haven’t heard anything yet either! Tried calling today and our admissions counselor is not in the office until tomorrow. Dying to hear!

We haven’t heard anything either, any updated news? We didn’t get our packet in the mail for my daughter’s interview weekend until after we got home from the trip & we registered as soon as she got the email…hoping the decision is stuck in the mail :slight_smile:

We just got the call from our admissions rep. DD is a Presidential Scholar!! Super excited over here in Cleveland.

Congrats, Mmomto5! That is so awesome! I couldn’t wait and called our admissions rep Thursday. She emailed our son Friday and said we should hear by today. Wonder if everyone who got it got called Friday?

Hi Did anyone else get the pre scholar results ? Congrats to @Mmomto5!

My D received her packet today and was accepted! Also awarded Momentum Scholarship. Very excited.

@tinman3346 , Congratulations! What is Momentum Scholarship ? Is it in addition to Presidential Scholarship ?

Sorry, my bad. I was posting to the wrong SLU thread. Should have posted to the St. Lawrence University thread. Congrats to everyone here, though.

any updates??

We have not got any update so far

Congratulations to those that received the Presidential scholarship…DS was a finalist… was informed of the results on Monday evening… haven’t decided yet, which college will he be going to…

@times21 did you receive notification via email ?

@anxmom18 … the counselor called us

Thanks @ times21.

Congratulations to all the finalists and recipients :slight_smile: Looks like we are not one of them…

Hi! I’m a presidential scholar as well! Could I have your daughters contact information??

@mmomto5 Hi! I’m a presidential scholar as well! Could I have your daughters contact information??