Slusher wing windows

<p>I know the tower windows don't open, but do the windows in the wing open?? (How anybody could build a building without a/c and without windows that open is beyond me!)</p>

<p>Are you on the VT Parents Facebook page? Great place to get answers to these kinds of questions… search up Virginia Tech Parents. :)</p>

<p>Slusher wing windows definitely open. Slusher tower windows used to open and I doubt they have changed. Note, the window openings in Slusher are different than most, or all, of the other dorms. For example, I believe Lee has double hung windows while Slusher has a slider at the bottom of a large expanse of window glass.</p>

<p>yes, the windows open. The bottom 1/4th have a latch an open inwards. Not as easy to put a fan in, but it is doable as I lived there 20 years ago</p>

<p>Slusher wing window does open and you can fit a window fan - the long narrow type, not a big box fan. Don’t recall exactly how it works as DD lived there 2 years ago but she definitely had and needed a fan.</p>

<p>Not sure what you mean by a long narrow fan. Is it one of those tower fans? (Why can’t VT include actual pictures of the rooms?)</p>

<p>We used a normal box fan, it just wedged a an angle/tilted some and pushed the air up versus straight in. Wasn’t bad. I have great memories of my 2 years is slusher wing, even with the smaller rooms. Liked having the smaller number of people per bathroom and the “cluster” of rooms together made for our own “suite” feel. Of course this was before they even had real suites. Enjoy.</p>

<p>A long narrow fan might be something like this: [</a> Holmes HAWF2043 Dual Blade Twin Window Fan with One Touch Thermostat: Home & Kitchen](<a href=“]”> I am not advocagting for that particular fan as I don’t know the exact dimensions of the window. </p>

<p>In this era of easy access to information it would be nice if there were pictures specific to each dorm. Of course, not all rooms in the dorm are identical. It’s best not to stress over it and to make the best of any situation. A year ago I thought Slusher was terrible when it was vacant during the summer orientation. Son#1 assured me that it looked completely different with happy residents when it was occupied during the school year.</p>

<p>I’m sure your son/daughter will enjoy as well.</p>

<p>ChrisTKD got it about right. I don’t recall the exact model but I do recall that it was purchased at either Walmart or Target in christiansburg during one of the 4,892 trips we made to those stores during the 2 “move-in” days of her freshman year. Good times…</p>

<p>Huh, I have never seen one of those. Would not have known it existed unless you had said something! DS is super sensitive to heat, so an effective fan solution is essential.</p>

<p>Dominar… check Amazon. Every kind of fan option you can imagine.</p>

<p>Are there any shades, mini-blinds, any type of window coverings on the dorm windows, or should we expect to purchase some type of curtains. Son got assigned to Pritchard.</p>

<p>gigagirl, mine is going to be in East AJ. We got to go on a tour at orientation and there were mini-blinds on the room windows. I’m guessing that might be the same everywhere?</p>