Air Conditioning in Dorms?

<p>Apparently there is no AC in the dorms...for freshman, at least. Doesn't it get really hot in May and August? Would you say the lack of AC is a problem/concern? Is there any way to get into an air-conditioned dorm as an underclassman?</p>

<p>Some are, most aren’t. If you’re in RLC you get one and most people tend to agree that the extra class you take is worth it. It gets hot but with two box fans in the window it’s not bad. Tens of thousands have done it before you; it’s survivable.</p>

<p>East and West AJ have air conditioning as well…but east AJ is an honors dorm by invitation only and west aj is a residential learning community and you have to apply to get in…applications should be online on the VT housing website, if they are still taking applicaitons</p>

<p>My son was in Lee Hall-no air conditioning. At times it was warm, but really not so for long. Sleeping is the hardest part in the heat, but the evenings start cooling down a couple weeks after classes start. Same advice from others, box fan and a floor fan.
You will survive!</p>

<p>Slusher Tower was pretty miserable at times (especially the upper floors) because no cross circulation was possible, particularly at night, and the windows are small. Didn’t hear that many complaints from those in other dorms, but then again, this was 25 years ago when people werent used to a constant 70 degrees inside at all times like they do now.</p>

<p>As I recall, Slusher dorm doesn’t have the standard double hung windows of other dorms. The part of the window that opens is 25% max (perhaps a bit less). Double hung windows will open 50% so the air flow in Slusher is significantly reduced compared to other dorms. Slusher is a bit of a rabbit warren in its hallways so I think the cross ventilation between rooms is limited.</p>

<p>Blacksburg isn’t Atlanta so I don’t think anyone needs to really worry about excessive heat during the regular school year. But do bring fans! Summer school may be another issue.</p>

<p>And after 1 or 2 years, you’ll be in an apartment with AC anyway. :)</p>

<p>any dorm with out AC is dangerous</p>

<p>No it isn’t, unless you have some sort of medical condition in which case a doctors note will get you into an AC room.</p>

<p>Believe me, 99% of today’s students could stand to spend some time without the comforts of a/c.</p>

<p>I agree. Plus there are far more dangerous things a parent can worry about when sending a child to college besides AC.</p>

<p>I wasn’t worried about my kid not having A/C… I was worried about ME, on move-in day. HA!</p>

<p>Haha, granipc. We lucked out – DS is on the ground floor :)</p>