Box fan/AC unit

<p>I constantly hear that it's advisable to get fans for your dorms since there is no AC and it can get pretty hot. I also hear that box fans that fit into your windows are pretty nice, since it's directly blowing air in/out instead of just circulating the air already in the room.</p>

<p>Is it okay if you bring an AC unit that's like a box fan (but obviously isn't a box fan)?</p>

<p>All the rules are on the web site be I think I remember where it says A/C units are not allowed.</p>

<p>…as long as no one find out ;)</p>

<p>No, you can’t bring an AC unit. Yes they will find out. An AC unit is extremely obvious. Bring two box fans between you and your roommate, have one blow in and one out. It’ll get downright bearable.</p>

<p>Chuy, on a lot of these threads you always reccomend two box fans. But, I’ve also seen some window fans that have two fans so you can set one to blow in and one out. So I’m guessing that’s an even better option.</p>

<p>However, back to Chuy, how big are the windows to fit two separate fans? And should I wait til after I move in to get the fan so I can be sure it’ll fit. Or are most fans one size fits all?</p>

<p>As long as you don’t get an abnormally big fan I think you’ll be fine. We just brought normal sized box fans and they fit just fine, and I don’t really remember people having a problem with that.</p>

<p>A window fan with two fans would be more efficient, but it’d give you less than half the air flow. I’d still stick with the two separate fans for maximum air.</p>