<p>I am going to NCSU (accepted early action) next year and I am wondering if a 0.2 drop (over my entire senior year) in both my weighted and unweighted GPA would have any consequences or not.</p>
<p>I would HIGHLY doubt it.</p>
<p>Oh. My. Gosh. Please tell me you're kidding. A .2 drop in anyting will not do anything to hurt you.</p>
<p>I meant a 0.2 drop in the cumulative GPA.</p>
<p>2.0 drop in cumulative GPA is bad. Not 0.2.</p>
<p>It is impossible to have a 2.0 drop in cumulative GPA.
A 1.0 drop is worst you can have.</p>
<p>Think about it. Senior year is 1/4 of your cumulative GPA which is 0-4.00</p>
<p>I was kidding.
If your GPA goes from 3.8 to 3.6, that's still a B average. I would think that colleges almost expect some sort of senioritis, no? Don't worry...</p>
<p>My original GPA was below a 3.6
All of my poorer grades are in non-major related classes though so I do not think they would care too much.</p>
<p>Not a problem, unless that drop was caused by a single <em>really</em> bad grade, i.e., a D or F. That could be trouble. But a bunch of Bs and/or some Cs? Won't be an issue.</p>
<p>Actually it was caused by two lower grades in two classes I was always bad in (English + Spanish). English is my second language. My grades are As and Bs in the rest of my classes. Why would that be a problem?
My poorer grades are in classes outside my majors (Math, Engineering, and Economics) and NCSU rarely questions senior grades so I personally don't think it would be a problem. But what other opinions are out there?</p>
<p>I also think I had a lot of hooks in my original application and I know people in my department pretty well.</p>
<p>It's not going to be a problem. Not unless you start pulling a couple D's and those end up being your final grades.</p>
<p>The school year is now over.</p>
<p>How many warning letters do you think they send out?</p>
<p>Read [url=<a href="http://ucdavismagazine.ucdavis.edu/issues/fall04/parents.html%5Dthis%5B/url">http://ucdavismagazine.ucdavis.edu/issues/fall04/parents.html]this[/url</a>] for a better idea. However, my friend did not do so well in school this year (much MUCH worse than you!) and she has still not been rescinded from the school of her choice (respected Public State U).</p>
<p>"maintaining a C or better in all senior-year classes listed on the application".
The UCs seem to be a very strict system if they promise to kick anyone out who gets 1 grade below a C.</p>