Small mistake on uc application - course name, will this affect my application?

I sent in my application on 11/27, but I realized that I made a slight mistake by putting in the wrong course name for one of my foreign language classes taken in the 7th/8th grade. I didn’t have my middle school transcript at the time so I just put in what I remembered. However, I got my transcript the day after and it was slightly different. I sent them an email to correct the mistake ASAP, but I’m still wondering how this might affect my chances of admission. I honestly don’t think this is as bad of a mistake as putting in completely wrong classes/grades.

I think you’ll be fine. They don’t even consider middle school and even freshman year grades. If you’re really concerned, you could call them up and ask them to make the change, but I don’t think it’s going to make a big difference.

I second that. I’m pretty sure they have bigger things to worry about. As long as you didn’t say German when you meant Chinese, I don’t think it’ll have any effect!