With the Indiana University Kelley Business School being so large (7k), does it give you somewhat the feeling of being a 7,000 student college as apposed to a 48,000 person university?
Sort of. When you are a freshman, you’ll be taking classes that are prerequisites for Kelley classes, but a lot of them will not be in Kelley. You will be in a bunch of different buildings for classes, so I guess that makes IU feel bigger. As you get older, pretty much every class will be in Kelley, and it pretty much feels like you only attend Kelley. I think IU’s size provides a lot more positives than negatives such as competitive sports, resources, and alumni network. I wouldn’t worry about the size too much. As long as you have a few close friends, I don’t think it really matters.
No, not at all. It still feels exactly like being part of the 48,000. Kelley doesn’t do much to change that, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing given how big Kelley is. Living in the KLLC will give you automatic Kelley friends if thats what you’re looking for.