<p>I'm currently enrolled in college at Houston Community College and I'm not sure if it would be wiser to do 1yr here and transfer or 2yrs than transfer??
Sent from my PC36100 using CC</p>
<p>Well first u have to figure out ur major and what classes u have to take. Then u have to take the general classes to transfer 60 units. It would usually take 2yrs but if u can finish by ur first year then go 4 it. (: </p>
<p>Sent from my Desire HD using CC</p>
<p>That depends. The difference in waiting is that after two years colleges won’t look into your high school grades too closely. If you’re confident in your high school stats, it may not be a bad idea to transfer after your first year.</p>
<p>Also, what school do you want to go to? Does your school have articulation agreements with any school you want to attend?</p>
<p>For instance at my school in Virginia, if I get an associates and maintain a 3.4 GPA, I get automatic acceptance into UVA. Texas has some great schools too (public and private) and may have similar agreements.</p>
<p>And yes, listen to what Joe said too. How is your HS record? Your SAT/ACT scores? Those will be looked at more closely (or in the case of test scores required) if you have under a certain number of credits.</p>
<p>Also, what are your goals? Are you itching to get out of town and have the “college experience”, thus perhaps having a poor academic performance in year two at community college if you arent happy there?</p>
<p>There are a lot of options to consider and it isn’t black or white. People successfully transfer after one or two years, so its dependent on you and your situation.</p>