<p>I know how to do a :D, but how do you do others?</p>
<p>: eek : <type together="" for="" :eek:="">
: ( :( and : ) :) are pretty simple ones
: p :p
anyone know others?</type></p>
<p>This is the ANIME Smiley facces</p>
:( :)
<p>Those don't work</p>
<p>: ) - :)
: ( - :(
: mad : - :mad:
: eek: - :eek:
: cool : - :cool:
; ) - ;)
: D : - :D:
without the space in between</p>
<p>: rolleyes : :rolleyes:
: o :o</p>
<p>Take out the spaces.</p>
<p>:o ;) : D :</p>
<p>:) :( ;) :D :o</p>
<p>:p :mad: :eek: :cool:</p>
<p>:) :( :D :p :cool: :rolleyes: :eek: :mad: :o</p>
<p>are these all?</p>
<p>No, there's 11 smilies.
:) :( :D :p :cool: :rolleyes: :eek: :mad: :o :confused: ;)</p>
<p>:) :( :D :o :mad: :cool: :eek: :confused: ;) :rolleyes: :p
yeah so eleven</p>
<p>:D :( :) :cool:</p>
<p>here are some...</p>
<p>Q口Q (chinese needed... or any other language w/ a box... Q.Q can work too)
<p>I like the last one, serephia, with the squiggly line. :)</p>
<p>Thanks. My favorite one would be  ̄﹏ ̄ and Q口Q.</p>
<p>How do you do the squiggly line? o_O [tries to figure it out]</p>
<p>:eek: :cool: :p :D</p>