Smith STRIDE questions - ED advantage or disadvantage?

D24 and I toured Smith College this week and she absolutely loved it. Being able to do original research and internships is very important to her, and the STRIDE program at Smith provides incredible opportunities. However, because it is awarded without additional application, I am uncertain if there is anything she can do to increase her chances of having this opportunity. She is finalizing her Smith application and hopes she will get an interview slot. She loves Smith enough that she would so ED if it gave her a STRIDE boost.

D24 plans to double major in Classics and Anthropology. She has a 4.0 UW and 34 ACT. She has engaged in several humanities research projects in high school, and currently is working on a capstone senior research project that will be a 40 page paper with a presentation to the school. She truly loves these projects. She also as some other very strong ECs but I’m not sure how that would factor into consideration for STRIDE.

If anyone has insight on how to boost STRIDE chances I would be very grateful!

No insider information - sorry - hopefully someone else can help with their experience. This is an excellent opportunity for your daughter to reach out to her admissions rep at Smith with her questions about the program, selection process and if ED weighs into the process and show her interest. She has great stats for Smith and she sounds like a wonderful addition to their community with her interests.

Is this scholarship needed for attendance or is this is top school with or without? I would think admissions would also be very open to speaking with your daughter about research opportunities outside of Stride, if she is not awarded this scholarship.


I can’t tell you how to boost chances, but my D’s friend is a STRIDE Scholar and is very happy with Smith. Her high school GPA was 4.0 UW and 4.77 W. She was accepted to Duke and UVA, among other colleges. She is a black student at a PWI and seems happy with her choice.

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Thank you both! It is a great idea for her to reach out to her AO to ask if ED has an impact.

While we would of course love the scholarship aspect of STRIDE, we are even more interested in the resources and research opportunities it provides to freshmen. She feels very confident that she would love Smith, and if she had those research opportunities it would be far and away her first choice.

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Have you been following Smith’s Instagram posts of President Willie-Lebreton’s inauguration? Her joyous energy and enthusiasm for Smith is infectious. I’ve never seen students so engaged with their president—Smith will be an even better place!

My daughter is a STRIDE scholar and has had a wonderful experience at Smith. President Sarah is amazing–she is so warm and authentic, and she has done a great job of meeting students and making them feel heard. She is an amazing addition to an already incredibly dynamic community.

My child applied RD to Smith and was awarded a STRIDE scholarship. I second the recommendation to connect with the regional AO. My child’s profile was a 4.12 unweighted GPA, test-optional, youngest intern in the Texas Capitol working for the youngest rep in the senate, significant experience with local campaigns and community-based organizations focusing on disaster relief, plus leadership positions in athletics as well as school ECs. She participated in a summer program at Smith after 9th grade and knew from then on it was a top choice for her. From meeting several of her friends who are also STRIDE scholars I think the common denominator is that they are all young women who have pursued independent research or work outside of school–true passion projects that aren’t tied to a grade.

Good luck to your daughter, and feel free to let me know if she would like to connect with my daughter–she is always happy to share her experiences.

Yes, we have been following Smith on Instagram and the new President does seem amazing! We even caught a glimpse of her and saw preparations for festivities when we were on campus last week.

It is wonderful to hear about so many positive experiences at Smith; it feels like a very special place!


My D is a Stride recipient and it has been a great experience. But Smith is a fantastic place with opportunities for everyone so I don’t actually think not getting Stride would make her Smith experience any less meaningful for your kid.


Just to offer another anecdotal data point - My D23 was offered both STRIDE and Zollman and had done original research but not outside of school. Hers was part of the AP Capstone program, though the research topic was tied to areas in which she showed leadership outside the classroom and ways in which she had an impact on her school and community…so I think it resonated throughout her application and didn’t seem like something she’d done only for the grade. Still, the research itself was related to a class and a grade… I’m sure it came through as something she was passionate about regardless. So for the OP, I wouldn’t worry about the fact that your daughter is doing her research for a capstone at school.

My D really loved Smith. Although she ended up enrolling elsewhere, we loved the campus, the people, the vibe, the traditions, the open curriculum, Northampton, and all the things that so many people seem to love about Smith. What a special place.

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Smith alum here, class of 2000. I don’t have any insight into STRIDE acceptance and whether ED would help or hurt, but I can’t help but chime in to share the enthusiasm for President Sarah! I watched her inauguration virtually through the livestream on Saturday and I was moved and inspired. The program was recorded and it is on the website, well worth a watch. A couple days prior to the Saturday inauguration, I received a cute card in the mail, along with a packet of Smith Botanic Blend organic herbal tea (a nod to the century-old tradition of Friday afternoon teas in the houses) and an invitation to raise a cup to honor our new president. Smith is such a special place and I encourage your daughter to reach out to her admission counselor to express her enthusiasm and see what they might be able to share about STRIDE strategy. Best wishes to your daughter. She sounds like an excellent candidate!

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Thank you all! The enthusiasm for Smith from students and alumnae speaks volumes about what a special place Smith is. All the traditions are wonderful and I have no doubt my daughter would thrive there. More and more I think she is leaning ED. We will see about STRIDE. She loves Smith with or without it, but it would make the experience especially wonderful

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I don’t think anyone can answer this. My Smithie knew STRIDE scholars who were both ED and RD. Mine was not awarded STRIDE, although she did receive a “Presidential” scholarship, which was nice. The faculty are extremely approachable, and she had opportunities to do research and summer internships on and off campus regardless. Her only regret is that she changed her major a little too late to do an honors thesis, and then the pandemic made it impossible. That is usually an option for anyone, regardless of STRIDE, and allows another opportunity to work directly with faculty on research. At Smith, my student went from having “no idea” to having a passion and a path. STRIDE is a great program, and it is far from the only reason to go to Smith.


Thank you! She submitted her ED application today! It is good to know that research opportunities are abundant without STRIDE. Crossing fingers for good news in December. Smith seems absolutely wonderful!


Keep us posted! Congratulations on getting that app in!

Agree with this. My Smithie was not a Stride scholar and did research for a prof in her desired field all 4 years (is a senior now). There are many opportunities and the profs are very approachable. Your student can reach out (even if not a Stride scholar) and see if there are opportunities. Mine did SURF starting the summer for first year.


My Smithie is a current Stride Scholar and applied RD.

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