<p>Hi, I am really worried about this deadline I just discovered on the Haverford website. Can we not apply for fin aid if we didn't register with CB by January 1???</p>
<p>Register with the College Board for the 2006-2007 Profile Application (see below) with Haverford's Profile Code (2289) by January 1</p>
<p>Submit the 2006-2007 Profile Application to the College Board with Haverford College's Profile Code (2289) by January 31</p>
<p>Please help, I am sooo worried! Thank you!</p>
<p>Registering is the recommendation. As long as you atually submit the Profile by the end of JANUARY ( about 1 week before deadline), you should be fine.</p>
<p>Thank you, that is such a relief!</p>
<p>Is there a punishment for not following this recommendation?
Are you sure that this hasn't disqualified me?</p>
<p>I wouldn't worry. I think they are just trying to push everybody along. I can't imagine why they would care about when you registered. They obviously aren't going to get the FAFSA and Profile by that date.</p>
<p>When you do the FAFSA, make sure you get you PIN early so that you don't have to wait for it later. Both the parents and the student have to have separate PIN's.</p>