So all you geniuses in HS? How did you do in middle school?


<p>I hated middle school. The social scene was just... awful. I was bullied and teased a lot for my nerdy glasses. xD Which I now think are quite cool. But anyway...</p>

<p>I didn't try at all in middle school and mostly got B's and C's, sometimes D's if I really didn't care.</p>

<p>High school I pretty much did the same thing until junior year, until I managed to get some A's, all the rest B's and one C (an 80, which is a C at my school.. grr). And I did well on my SATs, better on my ACTs.</p>

<p>I don't know. I think I just tried harder in high school. And I was a lot happier too.</p>

<p>Maybe your schools are different, but for my middle school, your grades were actually important because they determined where you ended up in high school. For example, how you did in 6th grade math determined if you got placed in the advanced math route for 7th and 8th grade, which if you did well there(i.e, B+ or better), you would be placed in the advanced math class as a freshman. Same with 8th grade science and english, if you got A's in both classes there, you would be placed in the accellerated(science) route, or the honors(english) route.</p>

<p>So, that being said, I tried quite hard in middle school to get good grades. I got a B+ in math 8th grade year, and was worried that I wouldn't be able to make the accellerated route as a freshman. I ended up being placed in it, so all was well</p>

<p>Middle school was ridiculously easy. My lowest grade was like 98. Then I went to a medical magnet school...hahaha (grade plummeted heavily). My lowest grade is like a 75, lol.</p>

<p>I graduated with a 2.7 I think. . .? Something like that. But that was because I lost motivation towards the end (had a 4.0 in the 6th grade).</p>

<p>After gradution, seeing all my smart friends get awards made me realize, Eric, are you a fricking dumbass? Damn it. So I changed my act and BAM, here I am at CC.</p>

<p>But hey, who gives a rats about middle school AMIRITE?</p>

<p>I was an average student throughout elementary school... not too shabby. :/ But my behavior marks were HORRIBLE. So after seeing my friends get those awards for "Principal's Honor Roll" and "Math/Science/SocStud/LangArts Achiever" in 5th grade I got super jealous and resolved to beat them someday. (Because I'm horrible like that.)</p>

<p>And I did. Eventually.</p>

<p>Well, I wouldn't say I'm a genius now, but I'm definitely modestly successful as a high school student.</p>

<p>Middle school? I think I went to certain of my classes only two or three times a week. I turned in four assignments the entire year in 8th grade English. I read books (unrelated ones) during class when I was even there. Depending on the teacher, I got A's "because she's so smart/capable" or the grades I deserved for the work I did (not great ones). I had a messy childhood, school was operating at the level I'd been at in third grade, and socially it was a disaster. My group of friends lost interest/faith real quick.</p>

<p>Now I go to prep school and am much less agitated at my academic and social environment.</p>

<p>Never got a 4.0 in middle school (not that it matters) but that's what I've been getting in high school for the most part.</p>

<p>I didn't try in middle school, at all. I had maybe a 3.25 GPA in 7th and 8th grades, when I was first put in the accelerated program at my school. I also always got a B in gym class, but that's besides the point. There was a time when I was almost failing 8th grade</p>

<p>I was so intimidated by all the other kids in my advanced English class, thinking them so much more profound and analytical in literature (lol, I know), that they "understood it". But now I totally trump them all in AP. :)</p>

<p>Elementary: Perfect everything with no work
Middle School: Not too bad but horrible social life, led to me not joining any sports/etc until 10th. A few B's and a couple of C's in transcript.<br>
High School: Better, mostly A's and some B's and two C's (both in Religion class, who the $#@$ cares about that anyway)</p>

Maybe your schools are different, but for my middle school, your grades were actually important because they determined where you ended up in high school.

Yeah, in my case, they determined which high school you were going to end up at.</p>

<p>7th grade- A/B/B-</p>

<p>8th grade- A/A- (A- in "challenge" math/science, where you had to do 50 points of extra credit to get an A... I had something like 95%, but didn't do the extra credit, so I got an A-)</p>

<p>I despised middle school. In my town, it's arranged so that the slow students can catch up (which they don't, always) and the smart kids just tread water. Thank goodness I was homeschooled halftime, or else I'd have been even more miserable than I was already.</p>

<p>And I had less than no social life. No sports, no clubs... no friends, really, except for a couple people in math/science class that I'd work with sometimes when we had to do partner work. It wasn't really a friendship, though--more like tolerance. I'm good friends with them (and a lot of people) now, though.</p>

<p>My parents are going to give living abroad a shot so that my sister (5th grade now) can avoid middle school and learn Spanish in one fell swoop. I wish the best to them. I'd hate to see my sister go the way I did in middle school. (I don't mean grades.)</p>

<p>I did pretty bad in middle school. I remember in 7th grade I had a D in history and I was in at lunch making up work when my teacher told me I couldn't get into college with D's. I stopped slacking off then (mostly). Now in HS i'm getting straight A's.</p>

<p>i didn't do so well in middle school either. couple A's. mostly B+'s.
i actually didn't do so well in 9th grade either...A's and B+'s...
but starting in 10th grade i got my act together...i've been getting straight A's since then.
i guess i'm a "late bloomer"</p>

<p>Flunked 7th grade english class. I was in the 'slow' class despite having the highest verbal test scores (on the sat, a 6-something in 5th grade) in the state, and I guess I got really really bored. Now I'm straight-As with 97s in humanities courses. Heh</p>

<p>I got a B in middle school in chorus (I didn't take well to the director's criticisms so stubborness got the best of me) and a B in gym b/c there were several days when I didn't want to wear the stupid uniform. Those were the only 2 Bs of my life.</p>

<p>I remember my mom crying hysterically when my sister got a C in middle school, even though my parents never gave us any talks beforehand or anything like that. I also remember getting a 90% on a test and my mom lecturing me about how I could do better.</p>

<p>yea...i got straight A's untill junior year of high school......during which i got my 1st C+(Chem honors) was quite an experience and i continue to do worse as i only get B's now =)</p>

<p>Middle school was a complete joke. I honestly don't think that I learned a thing in any subject except math. All of my teachers were lazy and never gave tests or taught. Instead, they would assign us group projects, and we would sit in the library for two weeks, doing nothing. What really infuriated me, though, was the completely bizarre way that they graded those projects. Once, my group received a B- on a poster, and when we asked our teacher for an explanation, she replied, "I think that you could have developed more as a group." Another time, my science teacher took points off of my project because she 'didn't like the color scheme.'</p>

<p>I remember my science teacher initially refused to sign me up for Honors Biology at the end of 8th grade (I had a B- in her class). I ended up getting A+s in both Honors Bio and Chem, and I currently have an A+ in AP Chem. I want to go back and rub it in her face... haha. Maybe I sound too vindictive, but she was SUCH a terrible teacher.</p>

<p>In my middle school, none of the students cared very much about school, mainly because the majority of the teachers didn't, either. That pretty much sums up my experience.</p>

<p>mostly Bs...sprinkle in some Cs.</p>