So all you geniuses in HS? How did you do in middle school?

<p>haha, im getting str8 4.0s in HS right now.</p>

<p>But, i remember getting D's and C's in middle school like it was nothing.</p>

<p>Also, I remember in elementary school, i didnt do projects or didnt even care about school at all.</p>

<p>And, i think i turned out allright... although i wish i read more books to improve my CR score haha.</p>

<p>I didn't do as well as in middle school compared to high school. I did alright, though.</p>

<p>I always cared about was definitely more fun in middle school, and I certainly got higher grades. I probably did better then, since you could cruise and get easy grades...I think that's the general nature of middle school, or I'd hope so. It's supposed to get harder. :P</p>

<p>Since i learned early on that only 9-12 matters for college, i slacked off like crazy during middle school. Some CCers still probably did well during middle school since those grades count toward prep schools.</p>

<p>I did well in middle school, too. At the start of each year, my parents would give me the this-is-an-important-year speech, and I never dreamed of slacking off because I thought that it would matter somewhere along the line. Well, now I know that it doesn't really, but I think it was good practice anyway.</p>

<p>3.0 middle school with near failing grades in almost every English and Social Studies class -> 3.8 high school with near straight A's 10~12th grade? Yeah, I think I turned out ok ^^</p>

<p>Well, it was mainly a confidence issue, cause my sister always outdid me in everything, so I just lost hope in everything 'til I got to high school.... I kicked butt in French and I got myself together in all subjects, so my grades went up....</p>

<p>Middle school was really easy because classes weren't separated into honors/college prep/regular. I miss never having to do any hw or study...</p>

<p>I was that kid that always got perfect on each test, and I was taller than most and ran faster than almost all in the school. </p>

<p>Got lazy in high school and stopped growing. Grades and stuff aren't so good anymore.</p>

<p>Mostly As in high school, and As, Bs, Cs, and a few Ds in middle school. Both were/are boring, but I didn't do homework OR pay attention in middle school. Usually I read or designed things.</p>

<p>dont even know what i got in middle school.</p>

<p>got good grades in high school</p>

<p>One of my friends (who is brilliant to the point of scariness and is now a physics/math major at Cornell) flunked 8th grade regular Language Arts.</p>

<p>i averaged like 2 Bs a trimester in middle school because i knew it didnt i get straight As with the hardest courseload in my high school, because it, well, sort of does matter</p>

<p>i didn't care about grades in middle school, so i don't remember what i got. i think i got a mix of as and bs. in the beginning of highschool i got straight as, but then i got kind of burned out/annoyed.</p>

<p>i cared about getting straight A's in middle school and thought that one B was the end of the world. turns out it really didn't matter. i still feel middle school was a lot more relaxing tho. the projects were fun and there were FIELD TRIPS!!</p>

<p>I had all 97's and above in 6th and 7th grade, 8th i slacked off a lot which led to my not as good grades freshman year. turned it back on in 10th</p>

<p>I was quite average at my public middle school. I got better, once I went to HS...</p>

<p>I think I was just under 3.0 when I graduated Middle School. Elementary grades were great. I guess I was influenced by the school.</p>

<p>Haha, I was (and still am) academically/intellectually a late bloomer : P</p>

<p>Elementary school- Straight A's with barley any work. I miss elem. school.
Middle school- I hated it and never want to go back. My grades slipped big time- mostly B's with a few C's and few A's. I got my first C and D in MS.
High school- A million times better. First semester of ninth grade, Straight A's. I was smart again. :)</p>

<p>Middle School I -- I had Bs and Cs in most classes, including a B in geometry and an F in eighth grade English (probably because I didn't have glasses, and was eight years old. and we did most of our work off an overhead projector that I couldn't see, which really sucked.)</p>

<p>Middle School II -- I had all As, but I went to a really lame school that offered no honors or APs. Our grade was based entirely on the final exam, which you could retake up to three times if you got below a 90, and were required to retake if you got below a 75. (They were all-day essay exams, and the amount of time you got was usually based on how much the teacher liked you.) The only kid I can remember graduating from said school (it's K-12) was named valedictorian because he was the only senior in his graduating class :) I retook pretty much all my courses from Middle School I.</p>

<p>High School -- I realized that I really needed to learn things or else when I got to graduate school I would fail my quals and have to drop out. And I started lurving math + fizix + chem + political science and pretty much everything. So I ended up with a really good record. And people actually started to like me, because my social skills grew infinitely better.</p>